*drone* – he sure is quick to toe that line, isn’t he?
Would *anyone* in his position dare challenge that particular line? My JEWISH mother just sent me an email asking / stipulating “Do you think it’s too bad that our family doesn’t belong to AIPAC? Do you ever feel like I raised you to be self hating?” I love the sense of humor in our family > it is always fun to be non-Zionist Jews, trust me! -lily
Wed Jun 04, 03:39:00 PM
Mike Steinberg said…
What’s he talking about? Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel and this sort of rhetoric only hurts the potential of peace talks. Even Israel has agreed that the potential of Jerusalem’s status is negotiable.
This man’s a fool and it took less than 24 hours for him to make that clear. He’s just as bad as McCain.
Your blog is funny. CNN linked to you, that’s how I found you.
Mike Steinberg
Wed Jun 04, 03:42:00 PM
Anonymous said…
This is funny: YES WE CAN! TOE THE LINE!
It would be great if someone held up THAT sign during his next speech 🙂
I like your blog and also found it through CNN.
Wed Jun 04, 03:50:00 PM
Dr. Ted Baehr said…
Some people would say that Obama simply made the statements to a pro-Israel group as playing to their wants. I am more hopeful. I hope that in the very unlikely instance where Obama is able to defeat war hero John McCain, that America will take the next logical step and adopt on the state of Israel as our 51st state of the Union. We have close political and economic ties, and they developed their nuclear arsenal by stealing our secrets, so it is only natural that we both unite and finally drive the Palestinians, Hamassians, Hezzbollese, and Al Qaedenese thugs to extinction.
Wed Jun 04, 03:54:00 PM
James said…
Dr. Ted Baehr,
I think it’s safe to say that it would be the other way around: We, America, would become a state within Israel. Based on our policies to date, and the unbelievable and unchallenged blind support we give Israel, I think it’s safe to say we are already being run by their policies and not vice versa. To assume that we would adopt them is giving us a lot more power than we have.
Americans need to wake up to the reality that the reason we’re no longer seen as an honest broker is because of our back room dealings with Israel and the unabashed denial of rights where the Palestinians are concerned.
With all due respect, please do not forget that when you talk about Palestinian “thugs” you also mention the Jewish “thugs” that would assassinate their own Prime Minister and fight their own gov to fulfill their religious fundamentalist belief that they have a real estate deal with God for that land.
One Female Canuck,
I am reading through your political blogs and find it interesting and amusing. You have a talent with the delivery of your message. To find humor in the most difficult of situations makes reading your commentary interesting. Keep it up!
– James
Wed Jun 04, 04:07:00 PM
Maria Calvo said…
I wonder if there’ll ever be someone confident and forceful enough to JUST SAY NO.
Anonymous said…
*drone* – he sure is quick to toe that line, isn’t he?
Would *anyone* in his position dare challenge that particular line? My JEWISH mother just sent me an email asking / stipulating “Do you think it’s too bad that our family doesn’t belong to AIPAC? Do you ever feel like I raised you to be self hating?” I love the sense of humor in our family > it is always fun to be non-Zionist Jews, trust me! -lily
Wed Jun 04, 03:39:00 PM
Mike Steinberg said…
What’s he talking about? Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel and this sort of rhetoric only hurts the potential of peace talks. Even Israel has agreed that the potential of Jerusalem’s status is negotiable.
This man’s a fool and it took less than 24 hours for him to make that clear. He’s just as bad as McCain.
Your blog is funny. CNN linked to you, that’s how I found you.
Mike Steinberg
Wed Jun 04, 03:42:00 PM
Anonymous said…
This is funny: YES WE CAN! TOE THE LINE!
It would be great if someone held up THAT sign during his next speech 🙂
I like your blog and also found it through CNN.
Wed Jun 04, 03:50:00 PM
Dr. Ted Baehr said…
Some people would say that Obama simply made the statements to a pro-Israel group as playing to their wants. I am more hopeful. I hope that in the very unlikely instance where Obama is able to defeat war hero John McCain, that America will take the next logical step and adopt on the state of Israel as our 51st state of the Union. We have close political and economic ties, and they developed their nuclear arsenal by stealing our secrets, so it is only natural that we both unite and finally drive the Palestinians, Hamassians, Hezzbollese, and Al Qaedenese thugs to extinction.
Wed Jun 04, 03:54:00 PM
James said…
Dr. Ted Baehr,
I think it’s safe to say that it would be the other way around: We, America, would become a state within Israel. Based on our policies to date, and the unbelievable and unchallenged blind support we give Israel, I think it’s safe to say we are already being run by their policies and not vice versa. To assume that we would adopt them is giving us a lot more power than we have.
Americans need to wake up to the reality that the reason we’re no longer seen as an honest broker is because of our back room dealings with Israel and the unabashed denial of rights where the Palestinians are concerned.
With all due respect, please do not forget that when you talk about Palestinian “thugs” you also mention the Jewish “thugs” that would assassinate their own Prime Minister and fight their own gov to fulfill their religious fundamentalist belief that they have a real estate deal with God for that land.
One Female Canuck,
I am reading through your political blogs and find it interesting and amusing. You have a talent with the delivery of your message. To find humor in the most difficult of situations makes reading your commentary interesting. Keep it up!
– James
Wed Jun 04, 04:07:00 PM
Maria Calvo said…
I wonder if there’ll ever be someone confident and forceful enough to JUST SAY NO.
Tue Jun 10, 10:26:00 AM