Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Lugeu-ing into قصي خولي (Kosai Khouly) and catching something (anything & everything…)

.1. I’ve quite nearly finished defining categories for this blog, creating two more this very evening: Feminism & قصي خولي / Kosai Khouly.

While sorting through all previous entries, I came across this little gem about none other than my very own Kosai Khouly. Did you catch that? I’ve defined Him as “my” = “my very own” = “my property”. I point this out to you just for clarification and not because I think you’re dense and potentially dangerous to my endeavor where He (“mine”) is concerned.

There are a slew of other entries that reminded me of situations and people I’d forgotten long ago. With that in mind, I present you with the following…

.2. I found The Time My Uncle Dragged Me Across The Street and then laughed at me and realized that I’d promised to take y’all down this following and particular trip down memory lane.

What follows is the story I promised you quite nearly a year ago…

It was in fourth year university and I was in Southam Hall with T & J. Southam Hall’s stairs are an unfriendly mix of concrete and marble. The staircase is an odd winding one that is – for the entire five or six floors of the building – of an open concept nature. While standing on any floor, you may watch everyone moving up and down all level of stairs.

I was wearing black crack with relatively small wide heels. In the crook of my left arm I was carrying my winter jacket and two of my gigantic leather-bound law books. In my right hand I was carrying the most precious liquid known to wo/mankind: Coffee.

We were going down the stairs in a single row, T in front before me and J behind me. Seeing as how we were in between periods, traffic was heavy.

As we were descending the final eight or ten steps, someone from two or three flights above called down to me. I looked up, saw my friend and waved a friendly hello as I continued down the stairs.

A grievous error this attempt to multi-task. As you are all undoubtedly aware, I am wholly uncoordinated yet determined to keep active engagement in this physical movement which many of you take for granted. It haunts me often, this thing others do so gracefully: Walking.

As soon as I looked up, both of my feet came out from under me as my coffee holding hand went up to engage in The Greeting That Could Have Ended My Life. At that very moment, Kosai / Kusai / Kusay / Qusai / Qusay / Kosay Khouli / Khouly was awakened from a deep slumber by his 6th sense, feeling that his future wife – I – was in grave danger. His sensitivity is lovely.

I hit the cement steps with my body fully laid out like that of any world-class lugeuse and then, at inhuman speed, made my way toward my best friend who was, by now, at the bottom of the steps. As in the Winter Olympics, I was hit with an image of me wearing a full-body nylon suit and matching goggles. Naturally, there is no crack when one is luge-ing…or, at the very least, the crack is ugly enough to not warrant serious mention.

When my feet were within inches of T’s bottom, the top half of my body sprung up and I found myself seated - with most excellent posture - like a debutante on the bottom step. Within my left arm rested my jacket and books, and in my right hand, my coffee neither shaken nor stirred.

There was total silence in Southam Hall at that moment. Everyone had ceased to descend or ascend and were, instead, watching The Dork spill down the stairs. If my friend above hadn’t called out my name, no one would have bothered to look at me and no one would have noticed me and no one would have know that I, Dork, am in fact: “Maha”.

T took one look at me, started laughing hard, turned around and blew through the doors. I love that my best friend was so supportive. I looked over my shoulder, somewhat shocked, and found J standing at the top of the stairs staring down at me, eyes wide and mouth hung open.

I smiled.
He asked: “Oh my God?” and then ran down the stairs to see if I was hurt. A quiet murmur began to cross the crowd and I could make out: “Duuuude. She totally didn’t spill ANY of her coffee. Duuuude! Waa-ooo-www.”

My nemesis friend above called out to make certain I was alright. For a second and third time, she called out my name. Because the first time wasn’t enough, and just in case folks were too busy talking and the opportunity had slipped unnoticed, they caught my name the second, if not the third time she yelled: “MAHA ARE YOU ALRIGHT? MAHA!”

J called up to her and said I was okay…

T had decided to come back, but she’d not finished laughing. Like a good Clarica commercial, she clarified: “That’s so embarrassing!” before realizing that her stint as “best friend” was in danger if she didn’t make amends.

She asked: “Are you okay?”
“My knee hurts, but I don’t know why.”
“That’s weird. You didn’t even spill coffee and your hair still looks good.”
“My knee hurts.”
“Sorry. HA HA. I’m sorry. HA HA HA. But you tobogganed! HA HA HA HA.”
“I Luged?”
“Yes! HA. AHA. HEH. HA.”
“I don’t think we should go to class.”
“Me either. Hey! J! Let’s all have coffee instead!”
“Fine by me. Can we walk?”
“How’s your crack? Are they broken?”
“Thank God. I love that pair.”

We proceeded to campus’ non-first-year pub / coffee house / hang out, Oliver’s, where we spent the rest of the day enjoying free coffee and food. The bartenders / cooks / staff were determined to pamper the first lugeuse born of our University, and I’m never one to turn down a moment of pampering or spoiling.

While on my way across campus later that same day, a virtual and beautiful stranger called out: “Hey, Maya, I saw what you did in Southam man! That was AWE-SOME! You’re hilarious!”

Had I, at that moment, been at the top of any stairs, I would have willingly propelled myself down.

.3. Did you know that: Your blogMistress is a hypochondriac?

I am. Just as He = Mine (please see point above, no. 1), I am a hypochondriac.

To prove it, here are snippets of recent conversations I have had with various friends…most of which occurred after one of my classmates sneezed and I dove beneath my desk (en Francais):

Conversation no.1
“I have nerve damage.”
“What’s that?”
“Sometimes my upper shoulders lock because of it.”
“Maha. We’re on our backs with our legs thrown over our heads. It’s yoga, not nerve damage.”

Conversation no.2
“He has a disease specific to the male body.”
“Shut up.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“Just. Stop. Maha.”

Conversation no.3
“One of the symptoms is a rash.”
“You do?”
“Those are pillow lines from where you slept on your face.”

Conversation no.4
“She is schizophrenic.”

Conversation no.5
“He has Alzheimer’s.”

Conversation no.6
“I have a folder.”

…so in other words, if it has a name then OH MY GOD! I have it. I’m certain this has something to do with the fact that I have an unhealthy overactive imagination.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

قصي خولي / Kosai Khouly / Kousay Khouli

I am officially some kind of sad, really.

It's Saturday evening and I've been hanging out with mama watching Syrian television shows, the other side of the world's very own Telenovela.

I have become unequivocally enamoured with the Syrian actor named Kousai Khouli
Kosai Khouli
Kosay Khouly
Kosai Khouly...
...depending on who is translating his name, you'll find a different spelling each and every time.

Tamer Hagras may have been my first crunch, but it looks like Kusay / Kousai / Kousay / Kusai may be my future husband. He is a killer dancer and looks to be quite at home in a red track suit. From what I hear, these are the two most important qualities for which a woman should look when considering a husband.

Every time I see him, I want to bite his cheek. Good sign, n'est pas? I think so, too. "Being edible" is high on my list of Items I Seek In My Future Husband.

Chances are, he's already married and has 17 children, but I expect he will find me and understand we're meant for one another, Inshallah. And just for him, I'm learning Suri and I don't mean Tom Cruise's kid, but rather the language. I've learned the words
'bnoob bnoob'
'kirmaal 3yoonak'
'lk alo...lk alo...lk aloooo'
'ya ibn 3ami'
These words I refuse to translate in case one of you should meet Kusay / Kousai / Kousay / Kusai and attempt to use them in an effort to charm him right out from beneath me. I shake my fist at you, already.

I believe the reasons which have led me to declare that I am officially In Love is because he laughs a lot, wears three piece suits (ya Ilaahi shoo byekhud el3a2el!), his blood is light, mama loves him and he is the first man in the History of Man on whom I've seen and I am going to hell for admitting this found the moustache sexy. Whereas I once believed the moustache to be the downfall of the Arab Male, I now find it rather appealing, bassi only 3a Kusay / Kousai / Kousay / Kusai.

I think innu I have to call 3amo Faisal Al-Azma w khalto Kawsar or 3amo Yasaar Al-Askari w khalto Maisa to see if they approve of my choice in husbands. Akeed they'll know! Better yet, I believe I should really pay them a wee visit in Damascus instead...

Note to Me: I must come up with a nickname for him before we marry otherwise our children will have trouble when it's time to write out their full middle names on their birth certificates.

Note to Kusay / Kousai / Kousay / Kusai: Iza ma fee mishkleh, I have already picked out the names of our children, ya ibn 3ami. After you chat ma3 wali amri, I'll let you know what they are. xo

He has an official website that's not running yet and that's because he's not lucky enough to know T...but look...he's totally hot! For locating this hottie, I pat myself on the back & give myself a little kiss, too.

kosai khouly

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Qusay Khouly or someone with a name spelled something like that in English

For the last few nights, mom and I have been watching a Syrian television show called "Illit Zo2 W Kitrit Ghalabeh" and I think I have fallen in love with the actor named Qusay Khouly.

It's not that he's a babe by our regular standards, it's that he is an absolute doll in this roll. And since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'll say that I think he's beautiful. I'm blushing.

In the show he marries Lou Lou and how I wish I were her! Every time I see him, I want to squeeze him until he stops breathing...that's how much I adore my little قصي خولي, Allah yishwee.

The sad thing is no one knows him; none of our friends - Syrian or otherwise - have ever heard of him. And apparently, the internet is not someplace to find anything on this man. I can't find a single hit about him in either Arabic or English. I am left with absolutely nothing; not even a photo I can share with you. You'll just have to take my word for it, and I promise to keep you posted as to this brilliant actor's progress. I have no doubt he will be one of my generation's most celebrated actors, Inshallah.


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