Friday, February 12, 2010

Parents roasting tomatoes over a friend's fire

.1. Do you keep forgetting that your momma and poppa are individuals before they are parents? That they had and continue to have dreams and that they may look at their lives today and wonder what happened to those dreams? How they fell through? Why they didn't work? How life isn't all it's cracked up to be?

Do you forget that they also have fears? That sometimes, their actions and reactions are filled with terrors that we might not recognise because we expect our parents to be fearless?

I do. Occasionally, I forget.
So, I'm asking you to take a step back with me...remind ourselves that although we sometimes believe that the actions of our parents are entirely centered around us, they are also, in great measure, centered on them as individuals before them as parents.

& if you already knew this, then you need to start a blog and start telling my ignorant ass.

(Exercise patience, please.)

.2. Dear Man Who Emailed Me Asking Me To See More Pictures Of Me Because You Think I Am Pretty:

I have your email.
I FaceBooked your email. (Something you may consider creepy, but that my friend M would call 'crafty'.)
I noted that you are married, with children.

Please direct this sort of attention to your wife, not me.

Thank you.

- M

.3. It is astonishing how the moods and spaces of those we love affect our own. Baby J is walking through a relatively delicate and difficult situation, and I am doing my best to walk alongside her. Sometimes, I walk behind her and push her forward, other times I run ahead and drag her along. Always - I hope and I try - to behave with understanding and patience; the reality of this sentence I leave to her discretion.

Earlier this week, she experienced what I can only call an entry of toxicity into her life; a toxicity that I reacted to on an extremely visceral level, and one which I carried with me throughout the course of my day and into my night; on her behalf, because I love her, because I respect her, because I am proud of her, because I do not wish to see her hurting. Also, because - as many of my friends have noted - I have zero tolerance and react with a ferociseness (not a word, but should be) when I feel as though being taken advantage of is someone I love.

A long time ago, someone said that "dealing with a friend's problems is like sitting around their fire and inhaling their smoke". Although I can't in fact remember who said that, I do recall it was said in derogatory fashion, as an indication that we shouldn't have to deal with the problems of our friends all of the time, some of the time, part of the time.

I call bullshit on that sentiment. The true meaning of friendship is unyielding support and sensitivity to the problems of our friends all of the time, some of the time, part of the time, no matter that we may be "inhaling their smoke".

If you don't recognise that being invited to sit around someone's fire is something to be cherished then you are an unworthy idiot.*****

.4. I recently took a new direction in my life (one which, literally, witnessed me throw up in a snowbank upon the decision taking & making. Sexy.); this is the reason I have been quiet. I will not write about the decision or the move, but I will only make this small mention here as a gentle reminder to myself. It is documented.

.5. Dear Sugar Plum Grape Tomatoes:

I love you.

- Maha

*****This sentiment does not hold true for people who tend to invite everyone, including the kitchen sink, to sit at their fire. I believe these sorts of individuals tend to be exhibitionists who have a fire only for show, and are usually in and out of my life within 24 hours. I don't want to sit at their fire because that means that I am not sitting at the fire of someone who cherishes my presence. (Even in friendship, the value we see in one another must go both ways; otherwise, one of us is a chump.)

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear Taylor Kitsch Wearing Saxx Underwear -


It's been a while, and that's because I was away in Costa Rica where no one wears plaid, and so I really missed you.
It's kind of official now, by the way, that I have completely blurred the lines between reality and fiction and in my very small head you, Tim Riggins, is actually Taylor Kitsch. (Don't worry about the small head thing though, because other parts of me totally make up for that.)

Mmmm, I received a very funny email while I was gone (in Costa Rica, did I mention? In the jungle. By the water. Maybe you'd like to join me next time? Rain boots & bikinis...) - it was a transcript of an interview you had done, in which you (1) LOL'd when someone asked if you read the Twilight series; and, (2) indicated that you cover your fun parts in Saxx Apparel, whose tag line is: "Show your balls some love". Genius, beyond measure.

And speaking of measure...

I'm kidding...but you know, what with all this talk about your panties, it's sort of inevitable that my small head would be filled with awkward and completely inappropriate thoughts.

Beyond your panty gig, though, is your clear disdain for Twilight. A disdain I share and so yet another reason we ought to be together; a disdain so deep that when I read your response, I started bouncing in my seat and clapping very quickly. Also, I may have been screaming in my small head, with great excitement. (Another reason we belong together? We both like babies - and fyi, for you to keep in mind: not only do I want to birth several, I would also like to rent and lease as many others as possible, please & thank you.)

Finally, last night I got caught up on FNL season 4, episode 8. When you kissed the girl, I couldn't help but think how I would really like to have your perfect mouth on my very small head.

Hugs and squeezes and giggles,

Comments closed.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Stupid Hollywood Muppets: Taylor Kitsch leaving FNL?

The f*ckery began Friday when M sent me a link to an article which indicated that: (1) FNL is most definitely ending after Season 5; and, (2) Rigglett will not be in much of the final season due to scheduling conflict for some movie on Mars. (You read that right.)

Since the initial trauma of that read, I have received many hysterical emails (thank you, yes, but I beseech** you to please cease and desist) that FNL will be one Rigglett short of a full deck.

Don't get me wrong; I love Billy Riggins, but he has (so far) this season done nothing but fail 26-pack Rigglett. By default, that means that Billy has failed me as well, since Timmy is Master of My Loins. (Q: Do I have loins or is it only men who have loins? Don't have time to Google, so you receive full impact of the air in my head.)

Dear Billy,

Whose gonna pass Timmy his taters from now on, dumbass?
(But, I like you better with short buzzed hair (so well done there).)


Until further notice, please take a deep breath and focus on the facts:

(1) There is no concrete evidence that Season 5 will in fact be the final season. There is, however, speculation that this will be the case. Speculation and fact are two very different things so chill because you are increasing my hysteria and I can only yell so many times at Baby Jane: "Friday Night Lights CAN'T END EVER. I want to be eighty watching COACH ERIC TAYLOR and his angry walker adventures"; and,
(2) The Stupid Hollywood Muppets - at DISNEY - regulating the schedule for John Carter of Green Planets and Bikini-Clad Girlies (JCGPBCG) have yet to confirm their complete and total ignorance re Tim Riggins as one of the 'connect dots' of FNL. Give them a chance to un-Muppet before you crucify them. They may surprise us, as Muppetts often do.

Dear Friday Night Lights Writers,

Me again: MAHA.
The child in whose backyard Riggins is currently living? She needs to put on some pants. Immediately.

Thanks for that.

Comments closed (I am studying and pounded this out super quick; sorry for errors.).

**Thank you, FNL Podcast for reminding me that the word 'beseech' exists.

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Friday Night Lights season 4 premiere

Dear Friday Night Lights Writer - here are a few berry messenger notes between Baby Jane and I while watching the season 4 premiere of FNL. Take from the following what you will, including typos (as they were):

Meesho: Angry sunglasses! GO COACH ERI TAYLOR!!!

Meesho: Racoooooon!!!!!

Meesho: Oh I LOVE him for lining the field himself

J.​ Ho: Him kicking theb door? So funny and cute
Me​esho: LOVE him
J.​ Ho: Knew u would
Me​esho: Toooooooooo cute the door kicking!!!! He lloks good in red. Yum. Landry looks good.
Me​esho: I love it when he calls boys "son"

Meesho: "six am means quarter till six." Heh.

Me​esho: I hated seeing Buddy running next to that stupid golf cart

Me​esho: I love Tami - she looks AMAZING

Me​esho: Matt has lost too much weight :(

Meesho "billy tater me" nice

Me​esho: K wow - the town hall where Tami gets nailed to the wall? I want to smack McCoy's smirk off his face. So insiduous, his character.

Me​esho: Landry must have been using a new cleanser over the summer because his face has really cleared up

Me​esho: O. M. G. I LOVE his super duper enthusiastic new coach who repeats everything CET says, just louder and more aggressive!

Me​esho: Why is JD McCoy drinking and standing with a crack whore?
Me​esho: GO MATT beating the shit out of JD
Me​esho: I hope that b.tch breaks his arm in three places (JD not Matt)

Me​esho: "All I wanted to do was come home"
So sad. So sad my Rigglett :(

Me​esho: I really like Devon and I hope they make her a regular

Me​esho: He's going to have a rough year, Rigglett - self discovery, I hope

Me​esho: "Landry, stop throwin the ball, you look like a girl...just a funny lookin' creature you are."

Me​esho: The entire scene with CET telling the asshats to get the hell out of his house RIGHT NOW
J.ho: me too
J.ho: A lot
J.ho: That was a crazy scene
J.ho: He's an amazing actor

Me​esho: love the look on rigglett's face when asked if the woman he just screwed would be able to drive anytime soon
Me​esho: He needs to gain a little bit of weight

Me​esho: "You need to stop doin that. You need to stop repeating everything I say. You're freakin me out." Awesome.

Me​esho: O first coach defects from Panthers to East!
Me​esho: GO EAST DILLON!!!!

Me​esho: Tami has caught every single game he's ever coached? That's so frigging cool.

Me​esho: JULIE SHOOTS AND SCORES!!! She is wanting to go to East Dillon! I am so proud of her. So proud.

Me​esho: When that kid said that CET sounded like an infomercial, I nearly hit my screen And think it safe to say that I would have beat that boy down in CET's house if I had overheard him

Me​esho: I think that they asked Tami to flip the coin so that she wouldn't be with CET to support him
The bastards!
I hope the Panthers LOOSE!!!!
She knows it too!!!!
Me​esho: She just flipped and won the coin toss and asked for the OPPOSITE of what they wanted her to ask for
I love tami
What a woman this character is

Me​esho: Landry should be the Captain
Me​esho: Coach is angry yelling and his hair is CRAZY. I dig.

Me​esho: OMG East Dillon is so sad...But they're red and so they will beat out cold creepy BLUE
O Coach just stuck his finger in Landry's mouth HEH!
BOO it must have broken his heart to forefeit

Meesho: Gah
Meesho: Gah
Meesho: GaaaaaAAAAAkkkkKKKK
Meesho: It's already OVER!!!!!!!
Meesho: NOooioooooooooioIO
Meesho: I'm so sad now
Meesho: I love Coach Eric Taylor
Jho: wasn't it good?
Jho: It sped by
Jho: Forfit
Jho: Must have killed him
Me​esho: KILLED him
Me​esho: Imagine the sex he and Tami had that night?
Me​esho: I wish they would make FNL-porn
J.​ Ho: Ha!
J.ho: That's hilarious
J.ho: Friday night lightsl out

Comments closed.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Geeking Out in Advance of Coach Eric Taylor & Taylor Kitsch

Dear Friday Night Lights Writers,

I understand that you are removing Matthew Saracen from Dillon.

So help me God if you asshats kill off Granmaw Saracen.

The end,


HI! How are you? I am so very very good because you're back tomorrow.


I hope you will be wearing your angry man shorts and your angry eyebrows. Also, I hope that Buddy Garrity will defect from the Dillon Panthers and love the East Dillon Giraffes instead.



Dear Principal Tami Taylor,

Hi, how are you? I have missed our long conversations. So much so that earlier today? I sent an email to Baby Jane in which - and among other things, of course, Tami - I wrote out TAMI TAYLOR'S BOOBS! in 36 size bold violet font. I was communicating to Baby Jane how excited I am to see you tomorrow.

She misses you too, Tami.

I hope you wear them high and proud, sister.

Hugs and kisses,
P.S. Remember how a while back I told you that we were thinking of going somewhere and we'd love for you to come with us? Well, we've decided to go kayaking in the Pacific, zip-lining through the rain-forest and hiking up volcanoes in Costa Rica over Christmas. WANNA COME?

Dear Taylor Kitsch,

For tomorrow night's Season 4 premiere, I bought a new dress in your honor.
It is plaid and with snap buttons and clearly shows how big my brain is.

I really hope you like it.


Are you watching Friday Night Lights yet, kittens?

Comments closed.

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