I don’t have cable and tend to only watch television shows the DVDs of which my friends pass along. Since perhaps 4 years ago, I have not found anything worthwhile, preferring instead to geek it out inside of novels. For this reason, I rarely come across a television show which devastates me. Friday Night Lights is, undoubtedly, the most devastating of shows I have been an audience to in 30 years.
The family values, relationship and community values which this show speaks to are heartbreaking and hilarious and exactly where I wish to be.
Let me immediately get out of the way that: this is the best written, best directed and best acted show I have ever watched.
In all technical incarnations, it is simply brilliant, filled with characters, each of whom is beautifully flawed and therefor more real than any famewh*re found in reality television; Friday Night Lights is a welcome slice of home-made pound cake.
Additionally, there are no god-awful metrosexuals on this show; it is unapologetically a show where men are men and women are women (without falling into the stereotypical gender boundaries other television shows inevitably flop and default to because their writing team is a composite of idiots).
Also, I am usually a crying mess at least once during every episode…
The characters
Let me get something out of the way: this is a show of man meat. Man Meat for which you will be grateful.
Granmaw Saracen, who reminds me of my mama looks-wise and who I wish to hug every time she graces my screen. I love her so and hope the writers never take her off the show. Ever. And if they must, then that they would please write a new show called Tiara, Pie & Eye Wear Shopping With Granmaw Saracen. She breaks my heart every time and I love her as much as I love her fictional grandson…
Mattew Saracen, the sweetest kid in the world and what every momma should want as her daughter’s first boyfriend; note, for our daughters not us, because we tend to be foolish and reckless and are instead drawn to the likes of…
Tim Riggins, not nearly as pretty as I am. Troubled boy with a sick retarded body; the stripper with a heart of gold, only he’s not a stripper (why not, Writers?!). Perfect to look at, but not built for long-term situations; just let your imaginations run rip shod over the topography of his body and stop. Thirty-three also has a sort of mini-me, his brother…
Billy Riggins, who could always use more chap-stick and who is all kinds of redneck funny and probably a lady killer, much like Tim, when he had more hair. (Writers! Please tell us more about Tim and Billy and their drunk dad.)
There’s also THE SMASH, who has the world’s greatest smile and who is cocksure and arrogant and sexy and still scared of…
THE SMASH MOMMA, one of the prettiest ladies I have ever seen and on whose very large breasts I would like to be comforted and maybe take a nap, please. (Don’t judge me until you’ve seen how comfortable everyone looks when she hugs them.)
A special shout out here to Nonni, THE SMASH SISTER, and an exquisite little actress.
Landry, hilarious geek who is the long-lost-cousin of Matt Damon, hopelessly in love with…
Tyra, whose character development has been fascinating, though predictable. I guess the alternative would have been the crackwhore in Fame, and I’m happier with this sort of a Tyra, who far outdoes…
Layla who, though am sure she is a really lovely girl in real life, I wish would just stop her Nose-Whisper-Talking, please. But while you’re still there, why don’t you – on behalf of the sisterhood, that is – cup Riggins’ bum more often? And undo his shirt? And tousle his hair? And kiss his eyelids? And lick his neck? And bite his chin?
Anyway. Layla is the daughter of…
Buddy who I hated during season one and then sort of felt sorry for and started to love in season two. He is a sloppy sort of character who clearly eats much too much steak and chicken-fried-chicken and chicken-fried-steak, but for whom you can’t help but cheer in the darker recesses of your mind. (GO! BUDDY! GO!)
Jason Street, maybe the first major character in a show who happens to be a quadriplegic. Good for you FNL! Bravo indeed. Jason is an amazing character, so innocent and sweet and honest and loyal and all kinds of good even though he looks like Ray Liotta who is capable of much evil in character. Even when six is angry, he is adorable.
His other quad friend, who is mean, but only because he really loves Jason (this sentence makes me sound as a 7 year old). I have forgotten his character’s name; no matter, he is brilliant like the rest.
Julie Taylor, the perfect moon-faced teenager, angry, frustrated, irritated, bratty, in love with Mattew Saracen and daughter of…
Tammy Taylor, she of the greatest breasts on telly. Among the strongest female characters to ever hit the screen, with the perfect lines, always the perfect lines (e.g. “I gotta pump and dump, baby. I love you. Don’t touch me.”).
Sidebar: Tammy should have a 1-800 number to which I can call in my problems and she can tell me what to do.
This character is the perfect mix and balance of femininity, strength, devotion and loyalty without loss of self. The actress who plays Tammy is simply gorgeous and the chemistry between Tammy and her husband is palpable.
Prey, who then, is her husband?
The one man with whom I have fallen in love: Coach Eric Taylor. A man of very few but always intelligent words. (Dear Writer: Marry me?) I understand that I should be ogling the younger Man Meat, but I am much more turned on by this more mature male, it would seem (suspect it’s Riggins that the Writers wish for us to be eyesexing, but his boyishness can’t hold its own against the complete manliness of Coach).
Coach Taylor, with his angry hair and eyebrows, biting-of-his-inner-bottom-lip, and adorable man shorts makes me weak at the knees. Especially when he doesn’t know what to say, or is so frustrated all he can do is a sexy nose twitch in his terribly ugly sports sunglasses (which, by the way, ought to be outlawed and men only allowed to wear aviators).
This fictional character is, in my head and imagination, how a real man behaves. A man who fiercely loves and is devoted to his family and his team and his community; a man who really truly understands morality and does his absolute utmost to always maintain the fabric of that morality even while he knows he may be failing because he is, at the end of the day, only human.
(Is it a surprise that he is fictional? Honest question, this…)
My favourite lines uttered by Coach Taylor: “Women are to be respected.”
“You’re wrong. You are dead wrong.”
I. Love. Coach.
My favourite scene, driving home the strength of this fictional character: When Tammy tells him she slapped Julie (who, let’s face it, deserved a solid beat down in that moment, because who dates an Elvin man-child, anyway?).
Why aren’t you watching this show yet?
Please watch this show; it shall make your life a better place. Promise. (Don’t thieve download it, though; make sure you are making your viewing count, or it shall vanish to The Cemetery of Excellent Writing, Acting & Directing All But For A Crap Audience.)
Blogger Sumaira said…
I’m on it!
I hope it’s available here….
Fri Jul 03, 04:09:00 PM
Anonymous lily said…
Oh SHIT! I just google image searched and HOLY COW you are right about the Man Meat! Which one is the guy with the long hair? He’s fucking crazy stupid hot!
I will get on this immediate too along with Sumaira! I won’t “thieve” it, I’ll rent it. Will lte you know what I think. -lily
Fri Jul 03, 04:17:00 PM
Anonymous Maria Calvo said…
TAYLOR KITSCH!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s Tim Riggins, Maha! He is such a fox!! He’s Canadian, also and my girlfriend met him and said he is one of the nicest most amazing people she’d ever met. Said he was SUPER nice and really sweet and cool.
She said he was even hotter in person than in the show. Apparently, he was a hockey player or he was almost a professional hockey player. He also loves kids!! He is PERFECT!! 😛
I am so happy you’ve discovered this show! I am so happy you’re mentioning this on here and more people will watch it!
I watch it on line. Shouldn’t I do that? How can I make it count to help the show??
Fri Jul 03, 09:03:00 PM
Anonymous Thomas said…
This is a show about football? I too will check this out at your recommendation. Thank you, Maha.
Fri Jul 03, 10:12:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
I’ve heard of this but haven’t caught it. I’ll find it if you thik its that good.
Fri Jul 03, 10:55:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
Great article!
CMON NOW! You’d take Coach Taylor over TIM RIGGINS??? Have you seen these pix?
There’s no way I would take a 40 year old something over the above!!!!!! NO WAY =oP !!!!!!
Taylor is a Candian and he’s awesome nice and won’t live in California cus it freaks him out ha ha!!!!!
I am AVA
Mon Jul 06, 12:32:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
Ok Dude, after reading this post, and hearing you gush – I’ve got it on hold at the Halifax Public Library. Can you believe it, they have seasons 1 and 2!!!
Baby J.- eternally taking your advice on what to read and watch.
Tue Jul 07, 09:58:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
You’d take Coach Eric Taylor over Timmy Riggins? What’s wrong with you girlfriend?
Have sex with Riggins and marry Coach maybe lol!!
Taylor is Canadian. He loves hocky and almost played it seriously but then was hurt. He modeled before acting. He’s very athletic and boxes to stay in shape. Has a university degree and loves to work with children. In real life he hangs out with Coach Taylor and not the other kids on the show. He sounds like an awesome guy how can you resist that lol?
Thu Jul 09, 08:36:00 AM
Blogger yasmine said…
i want to be awesome like Baby J and find rocking DVDs at my public library!
*googles closest public liberry in this new city*
Thu Jul 09, 01:31:00 PM
Anonymous Maria Calvo said…
Tue Jul 14, 01:51:00 PM
Blogger yasmine said…
i just wanted to stop by again to highfive maria for the ALL-CAPS USAGE, because her excitement made me laugh. highfive, maria!
Tue Jul 14, 02:00:00 PM
Anonymous Maria Calvo said…
Tue Jul 14, 04:11:00 PM
Blogger yasmine said…
haha hi, maria!
you know, i’ve only seen (half of) one episode, and that was last year or something – the closing episode at the end of the season, or something. so i gotta get on it! will rent dvds – just gotta hunt down my new public library!
Tue Jul 14, 04:16:00 PM
allison commented:
no one has commented yet???
my absolute favorite show…for every reason you listed. this post was brilliant. i found you randomly…but just wanted to say thanks for the FNL shout out!
i can’t believe more people don’t watch it.
Hey Allison – thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, I recently moved from blogger to wordpress, and all comments from the day of the move minus 6 months refuse to show their asses on here. There were originally a ton of comments…
So thank you for being the first *new* comment 🙂
& rest easy; I have introduced this show to at least 13 real friends who have become addicted, and I continue to receive countless emails from folks who read this place and who have also become addicted to this brilliant show!
Yay for excellent television and great taste.
Friday Night Lights has been my nightime favorite show.;:,
the cast of Friday Night Lights are very sexy, i like the girls ,’
Friday Night Lights is the favorite show of my sister because she likes the actor a lot’.`
oh well, the guys on Friday Night Lights are really handsome and sexy,,.
Friday Night Lights is a great tv series, i love the game and i love the story ‘”*