The Fall(ing)

There is lovely ‘velo’ (bicycle) art all over the neighbourhood, such as this one.

Though hard to discern from this photo, Canada’s begun to cool down, so all windows are now either firmly closed or with only enough room for an eyelash to slip through.

I, though still in flip-flops, have pulled out my sweaters and scarves, and am enjoying every bowl of soup as though it were my last.

I am so very happy in the coziness of it all.

Today, I am grateful for:
1. Friends who respect need for space, and don’t take such requests personally.
2. Friends who ask for space, signalling that they are dealing with adults who aren’t going to take things personally.
3. The tenants next to us, who strum a beautiful guitar all day long. With my bowl of soup, I sat on the balcony, sheltered from the rain, and listened. Thank you for all of your calm-making.

Montreal | Day 281 | September 7, 2019

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