It’s in Virgo, near the South node and is the first in a couple of decades. It won’t happen again until 1948 – a full lunar eclipse meeting a Blood Worm moon. The day after, we station in retrograde. We cannot squander this.
This image is last night’s moon. I’ve set my alarm clock to a little before midnight tonight, as the moon is to appear red for around an hour at that time.
This is my first of two five-day holidays I have this month. I’m in a cabin in the woods, on top of a small hill that slides into a lake. There are no sounds here, and if it were a little warmer, the lake might be singing as she undid herself from the winter’s ice. But not yet.
Last we were here was deep Winter, and we played only blues. This time, edging towards a new Spring, we’ve opted for the slightly more up-tempo of jazz. As always, we stopped at La Poissonnerie and have different types of seafood for each evening, and enough groceries to feed a small family though we’re only two.
With tonight’s moon comes purification.
I am exactly one year out from a particular event which was – unknown to me in that moment – to become the first step in a transformative year. In nine days, another seminal one year anniversary linked to the event, but which would demand much from my nervous system. This latter moment was precisely what allowed me to understand why everything had played out exactly as it had. For my life, there could have been no other ending to this story but exactly what had happened. Simply put, I would never fit into the ecosystem outside of which Allah had moved me. alhamduliLaah.
This is what Muslims understand as Divine intervention, to which we are constantly returning, as demanded by the Quran – But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216) When God removes something from our lives, there is always wisdom in it, even though we often do not see it in the moment. I am reminded of Imam Shafiee’s words: “If you knew how God is managing your affairs for you, your heart would melt out of love for him.” (Note that though this was a heavily emotional event one year ago, it is now a thing on which I reflect with psychological and academic curiosity. I like to understand the Why of behaviour more than anything else, so my curiosity has shifted to its natural resting place. Hurrah.)
Again. It is exactly one year to the day of this new Blood Worm moon. There are no coincidences.
So how are we setting ourselves up tonight then? We have to consider what we need to declutter from our worlds spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Ask ourselves: What do I need to release, clear, remove from my world so that I might heal? What habits and patterns must be composted if I am to open the door to (more) abundance?
In other words, identify the literal cupboard(s) we’ve been meaning to clean and tidy and get to them as equally as we will tend to any subconscious residual garbage blocking us and that we need to bin. This is deep work, and it is possible work if we’re willing to face ourselves. If you naturally incline to self-reflection and lessons learned, and if you never stand in a place of This Thing Happened To Me and I Don’t Own Any Part Of It Why Am I Always The Victim but rather I Contributed To How This Thing Has Shown Up In My Life and What Do I Do Now To Fix My Shit, then you’re fine.
PSA: Be the latter. Always be the latter, because that makes for a personal ecosystem of safety. Just know where to set your boundaries and never own the bad behaviours and choices of others. The louder your voice exists in authenticity, the less others are able to fuck with you.
The reason I say this is deep work is because we are being asked to dig into our subconscious, and that is a place where things are buried wilfully; we push down and away what we don’t wish to see so that we feel safe and/or better about behaviours and choices which we have committed against our own moral code. But there’s nothing healthy about this, and it’s why therapists spend months and sometimes years with people unearthing what they don’t want to face about themselves. If they don’t face it, you can usually find their direct line to substance abuse, with alcoholism usually at the very acme of that hierarchy.
As a natural part of this work, we’ll be able to identify what isn’t working. Don’t ignore it, or gloss over it. Certainly don’t drink through it and avoid it. Burrow into it to figure it out; what needs to be done to clear this shit out?
What habits have we developed that No. Longer. Work? Chances are, they never worked but the mind has a way of lying to us when we need it to. Now is the time for the lying and dissociation from our bad behaviours and bad choices to stop.
Are we making bad decisions?
Then let’s start to pivot away from making these bad decisions. There’s always time to pivot. Always.
Because, with the knowledge that every single thing is energy and energy merely shifts and never vanishes, what happens when we press energy down into the subconscious? It doesn’t just sit there quietly, folks. It instead tries to find a way out and shows up in unhealthy patterns, the repercussions of which are arguably far more devastating than if we had faced the things head on, welcomed and sat with them to heal them.
All to say, I hope that you’re doing your work.
Make it your intention to heal your heart. Make it your intention to make better decisions. Make it your intention to always make choices which are in line with your moral code.
Most importantly, make it your intention to help yourself first so that you might then extend this healed version of yourself to others. This is Community, and this is one example of how we take care of one another.
Then feel free to write me all about it.
Love you. Believe in you. Grateful for you.
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