There is always time for politeness

To those of you who have dropped ‘thank you’ from your vocabulary, you are best to pay attention.

We don’t have to hold the door open for you, or the elevator, or let you move ahead even though you budded. We don’t invite you to a party or to a coffee or into our lives because we owe it to you.

..our courtesy is not a duty, but rather a means of politeness we choose to exercise.

The fk is wrong with you that you don’t know this?

At the sake of Clarica-ing: When someone sends you an invitation to any kind of a gathering and you know this person (not to be confused with a random Facebook creep with whom you never have contact), RSVP with a thank you note you rude and entitled sad-sack. Don’t ignore the invitation or pretend it doesn’t exist. Don’t “No” to the invitation without behaving like a proper human being. (Oh the drama of being polite! So. Much. Work. For such a lazy grouping.)

Thing is, someone has extended the courtesy of their home to your sad-sack self. So RSVP, with a thank you note, already. It takes a moment and it says two things: (1) You appreciate the fact that people still bother inviting you into their homes; and, (2) You have good manners. Because you know what, sad-sack? Very soon, you’ll stop receiving invitations. (If you haven’t already.)

People. For all of your ability to kind, you can be really fkn ignorant sometimes.