Anonymous said…
Even for a cynic like me, this is a nice sentiment. I like your God, Maha. Happy Green! -lily
Mon Mar 17, 11:58:00 AM
Maria Calvo said…
Forty days? Holy shit that’s a long time when you compare it to three. I don’t know what that love is yet so I can’t understand it. I thought I did, but I really didn’t.
I believe in them too, by the way. I still have hope that love can be real.
Tue Mar 18, 05:31:00 PM
Anonymous said…
I like this and it gives me hope. Thanks
Fri Mar 21, 11:21:00 PM
لؤلؤة said…
Maha ….
I believe in love too…
You painted it with all rainbow colours…love it gurl 🙂
But the 40-days thing is not by Islam..in Islam is 3 days to mourn..and 4 months and 10 days for the woman to wait before marrying another man after the death of her husband…
Mon Mar 31, 11:23:00 PM
just a girl said…
Hi ya Lu’lu’ah! Thanks for the note – your words are kind and precious 🙂
Take a peek at the tafseeraat / ahaadeeth…there is definitely prescribed a mourning period for a woman only of 40 days after her husband dies.
The note re the 4 months and ten days is dead on, and we know that interpretation is due to potential pregnancy so that a woman / maybe baby knows who the papa is :o)
Love your photo – and love your name. I used to name all of my dolls Lu’lu’ah (or Lulu) and anything precious >> like my little bicycle…
p.s. If you need, I can send you the reference to where you may find the 40 day mourning reference…
Tue Apr 01, 08:04:00 AM
لؤلؤة said…
Hey Maha ,
Would love to get the exact reference re-40 days mourning..
I like the way u’re thinking and analysing, keep it up 🙂
Islam is a real blessing …Wish everyone come to know it …
Lu’lu’ah is the arabic interpretation for my first name..I still have a doll that I named Lulu too 🙂
Tue Apr 01, 01:37:00 PM
just a girl said…
Hi again!
I will ask our friends for it >> they read the passage to me while I was at their place a few weeks back. Check here once again in the next couple of weeks and I’ll have it posted as soon as I can…
Salaaaam – and agreed re Islam being a blessing 🙂
Where are you from, by the way? (Cultural background?)
Tue Apr 01, 10:20:00 PM
just a girl said…
Ok. Just fired off an email to mama asking she ask our friends for:
– the title of the book
– the name of the author
– the page number
– and the exact passage in Arabic
You understand Arabic, yeah?
Tue Apr 01, 10:24:00 PM
لؤلؤة said…
من أنا : خليجية الأصل،عربية العشق،إسلامية العقيدة
شكرا مها
Wed Apr 02, 11:20:00 AM
just a girl said…
Aaah Lu’lu’ah, I am so happy you made me double check!!!
You’re RIGHT – I *completely* misunderstood the passage!!
What I misunderstood was the following passage: “blablabla fa yajid 3alayha an ta7id 3alayhi mudat al3idah wa hya arba3 ash-hur wa 3ashar tyaam” >> and with my Arabic, I misheard it as arba3 wa 3ashar and so arb3een, as in 40!
It was as you mentioned >> three months and 10 days!
I have to change the entry halla2, lol!!
Oh! The book is “Fiqih Al Sunna” by Al Sayed Sabeq (there are three books in total, this is the first)
Anonymous said…
Even for a cynic like me, this is a nice sentiment. I like your God, Maha. Happy Green! -lily
Mon Mar 17, 11:58:00 AM
Maria Calvo said…
Forty days? Holy shit that’s a long time when you compare it to three. I don’t know what that love is yet so I can’t understand it. I thought I did, but I really didn’t.
I believe in them too, by the way. I still have hope that love can be real.
Tue Mar 18, 05:31:00 PM
Anonymous said…
I like this and it gives me hope. Thanks
Fri Mar 21, 11:21:00 PM
لؤلؤة said…
Maha ….
I believe in love too…
You painted it with all rainbow colours…love it gurl 🙂
But the 40-days thing is not by Islam..in Islam is 3 days to mourn..and 4 months and 10 days for the woman to wait before marrying another man after the death of her husband…
Mon Mar 31, 11:23:00 PM
just a girl said…
Hi ya Lu’lu’ah! Thanks for the note – your words are kind and precious 🙂
Take a peek at the tafseeraat / ahaadeeth…there is definitely prescribed a mourning period for a woman only of 40 days after her husband dies.
The note re the 4 months and ten days is dead on, and we know that interpretation is due to potential pregnancy so that a woman / maybe baby knows who the papa is :o)
Love your photo – and love your name. I used to name all of my dolls Lu’lu’ah (or Lulu) and anything precious >> like my little bicycle…
p.s. If you need, I can send you the reference to where you may find the 40 day mourning reference…
Tue Apr 01, 08:04:00 AM
لؤلؤة said…
Hey Maha ,
Would love to get the exact reference re-40 days mourning..
I like the way u’re thinking and analysing, keep it up 🙂
Islam is a real blessing …Wish everyone come to know it …
Lu’lu’ah is the arabic interpretation for my first name..I still have a doll that I named Lulu too 🙂
Tue Apr 01, 01:37:00 PM
just a girl said…
Hi again!
I will ask our friends for it >> they read the passage to me while I was at their place a few weeks back. Check here once again in the next couple of weeks and I’ll have it posted as soon as I can…
Salaaaam – and agreed re Islam being a blessing 🙂
Where are you from, by the way? (Cultural background?)
Tue Apr 01, 10:20:00 PM
just a girl said…
Ok. Just fired off an email to mama asking she ask our friends for:
– the title of the book
– the name of the author
– the page number
– and the exact passage in Arabic
You understand Arabic, yeah?
Tue Apr 01, 10:24:00 PM
لؤلؤة said…
من أنا : خليجية الأصل،عربية العشق،إسلامية العقيدة
شكرا مها
Wed Apr 02, 11:20:00 AM
just a girl said…
Aaah Lu’lu’ah, I am so happy you made me double check!!!
You’re RIGHT – I *completely* misunderstood the passage!!
What I misunderstood was the following passage: “blablabla fa yajid 3alayha an ta7id 3alayhi mudat al3idah wa hya arba3 ash-hur wa 3ashar tyaam” >> and with my Arabic, I misheard it as arba3 wa 3ashar and so arb3een, as in 40!
It was as you mentioned >> three months and 10 days!
I have to change the entry halla2, lol!!
Oh! The book is “Fiqih Al Sunna” by Al Sayed Sabeq (there are three books in total, this is the first)
Mon Apr 07, 08:10:00 PM