The Twilight Zone, it’s in my head

woman laughing alone on streetSometimes, the inside of my head it’s like the dark side of the moon. Because it was freezing rain tonight and because yesterday my ankle was iced, I decided to walk all the way home, first time in nearly since summer when there was never freezing rain. I crunched my way through the downtown core before flashing my stunned mating hat all over Centretown.

It’s a parka, in fact, with a very large fur collar which when worn upwards looks like several antennae calling for it’s mate in the wilderness. This, for another day.

A woman was approaching with her Tim Horton’s cup and I smiled and said out loud “Good idea!” to which she smiled, paused, slowed down, walked past, stopped and called after me. Stunned, I thought maybe she was going to tell me she liked my mating hat and where could she purchase her own please and thank you? But, no.

“Hey! You’re that girl! I saw you this summer! You smiled at me and told me that you liked my scarf! I was having such a shitty day and then YOU told me I had a great scarf while walking by! YOU TOTALLY MADE MY DAY and you just randomly smiled. So frigging cool!!!! I never thought I’d find you again!!!!” 

Do you do this? I do this.

I’m that girl. I say random things to random strangers on the street. Unless I am about to perform a mating ritual + dance with my parka, I always make eye contact and smile at passersby. If someone is wearing something nice, I will tell them. If they are eating / drinking something yummy, I will – like a really proper creep – make it clear that I might punch them in the nose for their food and / or drink. I’m friendly like this, because life is too short and why wouldn’t we smile and say hello to strangers in the streets?

You know who else smiles at and talks to strangers? Crazy people.


Image courtesy of the super cool K Praslowicz.