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Category Archives: Childhood

The Playing In Traffic

When I was 13, I broke my femur running into traffic while a boy led. He was the son of our neighbors at the time, only a year older to…

Potatoed immigrant children

I have suddenly fallen in love with green nature. Swear to God this must be because I am now living in a box in the sky. I was born in…

10 year anniversary & Min Fami

Today is this home’s 10 year anniversary. Yeah, it’s as unbelievable to me as it is to you, my seven readers. Last night, I participated in my first ever panel…

Mark, my imaginary friend

Editorial Note #1: This article was originally published in 2011. I am currently on holiday and unless titled Dispatches, then what you are reading was scheduled for publication in advance…

Taylor Kitsch may sink my battleship, but…

Editorial Note: Originally published on 2012/02/17. ——————– Colin receives all of the accolades. Last week, I was on course for work. When introducing ourselves, we were asked to name our…

Muslim families, they’re just like you! *Crazy*

I couldn’t have been older than six or seven years old when this happened in Gaza. It was around Eid festivities and so the family had lamb. Precisely like the…

I thought the dog was real (story of my life)

What follows presents you with evidence in support of the theory that I was a hysterical child. Spending my summers in London meant that my parents had many a photo…


My mum and I were recently in a shopping mall when I noticed that some women do very strange things to the heads of their infants, like taking the only…

Two Palestinians and a whiteboard

Of this image, you may replace Santa with my dad, and the baby with myself, our emotional states static when it was time for me to receive math lessons from…

Immigrants + fatsos

Of late, I have been quite heavily and v happily wrapped in citizenship issues and questions. I understand this struggle of immigration on a personal level and also the depth…

Nerd Childhood Memories

.1. The very first time I carried a UNICEF box, I was mesmerized by it. Proportionally, I was about the same size as the box itself, only it was —…

Let’s get physical, in ‘the China Town’

But first, let’s look at this photo of your blogMistress circa 1981. I was a bad-ass, always matching my head-bands to my shirts, to my shoes. My glasses spoke for…

Baby Sings “WRONG”

This morning I was seated next to a baby bundled up and singing Frère Jacques. (The baby, not I.) My trip into work made me revisit the following High Security…

When art collides with sex ed

My friend came over yesterday to put the final touches on The Cloud Cave. Namely, to hang all 15 of my art pieces and a 7,000 pound mirror which I…

Christmas trees adrift…

The early years after my parents fell out of love with one another and divorced, I didn’t much act out against my mother. One way I did act out is…

Consumers Distributing, feminine massage products, and hysterical children

Do you remember the store Consumers Distributing? It was basically a store without a display area, where you walked in, chose what you wanted from a catalog, checked off said…

Girls As Women

I am the little one, with head shaped like a potato. The beautiful woman is my patrilineal grandmum Standing by the Mediterranean’s wintered coastline at Gaza, in approximately 1980, my…

I can’t wait to start peanut buttering sandwiches

To Mothers By Baraka Blue To those mothers who buttered sandwiches and lit loves lanterns when sweet dreams turned into nightmares- and cloaked us in radiant safety net bear hugs…


I was at a stop light watching a child who couldn’t have been older than four years old. She was holding on to her father’s hand and hanging, legs and…

A Childhood Photograph

When my matrilineal grandmother – teeta – died, found in her night table drawer was the most important photograph she’d carried with her throughout her life. Teeta came from what…

the Prolific Immigrant (me)

Dear Reader, Oh look. I’ve gone and changed the title again. As starting point, I would like to introduce you to the lunatic + lovely coupling which brought forth yours…

My Seedo!! My Seedo!! My Seedo!!

Allah yir7amak ya Seedo. I can’t even begin to express how much I miss my Seedo. It’s been years since he passed, but these last couple of weeks have seen…

All Night Long

Because every once in a while it’s necessary for me to reinforce publicly the fact that I am a very big nerd. When I was six years old, I choreographed…

World Cup Football and Memories of Gaza

My very first memory of futbol was as a baby of less than four years. My father played on a local team and my mom and I would watch and…