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Category Archives: Mindful Living

Day 30: And the coloured girls ask Why The Face?(1)

I have received an unusual amount of messages from you, Readers, enquiring about the aforementioned “Maha’s Six Week Hot Yoga Challenge“. You are seeking both the how, and more sincerely…

A Character Clown Named ‘Namaste’

Note: Thanks to you all for the emails. Sorry I have not written back – I haven’t had much energy. I have been in a funk of late and have…

Friendships taken for…not enough

We talk about it regularly, with relationships, but not enough in terms of friendships. Unusual this, as more often than not, relationships tend to be fleeting whereas one hopes that…

Peace Negotiations at the Doctor’s Office

I am writing this on the berry directly into Blogger, so please pardon the spelling errors and grammar flubs. I am here for an annual check-up and it seems that…

On Aggressive Apathy

Based on my recent blog entry titled Not Lives of Girls and Women, I was asked to write about apathy. It’s a little more philosophical than most rabble pieces, so…

Ferocious men are sexy

.1. Christian Bale in The Dark Knight. When he’s in the interrogation room alone with The Joker. And he looses his sh*t on The Joker’s ass over Rachel’s whereabouts. I’m…

The weight of ‘regret’

For those of you who have lived here on a regular basis, you know that 2007 was a definitive year for me. In fact, I can now say that 2007…

I once wrote: ‘I believe in love, actually’

I still do; perhaps more so now than ever before. (Please befriend a leprechaun and shed the weight of your bitterness on your way out…)

Quote Unquote

“I sometimes react to making a mistake as if I have betrayed myself. My fear of making a mistake seems to be based on the hidden assumption that I am…