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The Open Mind

Better day. I managed to in fact sleep like a dead person, without maybe even moving the entire time I was asleep. Really hoping that next week brings some real…

The Third Eye

Again, no sleep last night and a back that feels each vertebrae closing in on the one beneath it. But, alhamduliLah, today there was a very small pinhole light which…

The Hits

It’s a card for two very special little girls. While J was out and the baby was sleeping I spent a little amount of time doodling on the paper J…

The Long Day

It has been long and exhausting, this day, and I have very little energy left to write much of anything. There was one bright spot, however, and it was named…

The Fatigue

Something which hasn’t happened in months woke me this morning at 9am. Anxiety. Arch Nemesis, popping up unexpectedly and attempting to take me down. I had a slightly uneasy weekend,…

The Gossip

I don’t wear it. It’s my rosary, which I picked up in Cairo. Made of oud, do note the small black marking on the straight edge on the left side…

The Hajj

May 19, 1925. On his birthday, just a little after the clock turns past midnight, I watch Malcolm X, and then I perform two rakat as du3a2 on his soul….

The Ambition

The measure of my worth has never been the level or pay I might reach at work. My ambition and self-worth have always been rooted in how I treat others….

The Intentions

It isn’t Lucy Liu. It’s Poppy, or as I occasionally refer to her – Popsie, or Bob. Can you guess which one of these is my favourite? There are two women at…

The Feminists

Julie and Aalya, the most committed hardcore feminists I know. From whom I learn something critical every single time we connect. I have gotten into the habit of wearing a…

The Oneness

This is Rana, to whom I often refer as Ranoosh. She is a golden pepper, this little slice of family. The world over, Muslim families donate food and drink (or…

The Book

She arrived in the mail today and I stared at her stunned and in silence for a while. She is so tiny, and pink! Which I’m certain is what Jilly…

The Hedonism

That’s Yohan, about whom I have written previously. I haven’t broken fast with anyone but family until tonight with him. This is how important he and his family (who are…

The Mothers

That’s momma. She is such a bright light, isn’t she? I mean. Look at that smile. Wow. [I am the little potato sat on the lower left-hand side on my…

The Blessings

Momma and me have always kept Ramadan as ascetic as possible. It is, after all, the month of fasting. We don’t make special deserts, which is now – culturally, not…

The Arrogance

Shortly after completing my Masters degree, I was standing in front of the lecture hall in Southam, speaking to one of my former academic advisors, one of my favourites. A…

The Afterlife

This is my Qur’an. Tonight, my mother told me that from birth, she used to place it beneath my pillow. I wish I could remember when I decided to no…

The Rizq

Rizq is defined as sustenance / livelihood. Muslim scholars differ on whether rizq only refers to that which benefits us, or everything which sustains us. I am more inclined to…

The Crutch

Seedo gave me my prayer mat when I was very young, and it is one of the few possessions the loss of which would break my heart. It’s small, and…

The Alchemy Of The Heart

Already one day over during this blessed month. Before we know it, I’ll be having my morning coffees as though no time has passed. Again, who can actually understand the…

The Month Of Ramadan

PSA: The pieces over the next 30 days will primarily be reflections on Islam. At a time when this deen which I love so much is so vilified, I hope that you…

The Purpose

A while back, (having the ridiculous privilege of staring into my navel) I asked momma if she knew what her purpose is. If she knew what it was that she…

The Author

It was a long day, due to a few family-related matters, so I’ll only offer that tonight I attended a short speaking engagement by Yousef Bashir, author of ‘The Words…

The Lighthouse Is Feelings

While I was in Geneva, he asked What are you looking for? It was a celebratory night out, and all conversations crept deeper as the night pulled us toward dawn….

The Self-Care

I’m slowly seeing all of my girls. Today began with a near six hour catch-up with J over far too much coffee and too little food, and ended with three…

The Honest Response

How short would you date? I’m 5’5 and 3 quarters. I’ve always liked taller men, but having also dated at around the 5’10” mark, I appreciate the benefits of not…

The Temporary

He was so pleased with his Albufeira mug that when we went to take a photo, he placed it directly in front of my face and waited for me to…

The Anchor

It’s the little things that make returning home feel like an actual homecoming. Like this morning, when I walked into my favourite coffee shop, Cafe Morala (734 Bank St), one…

The Little Secret

It’s a homemade macaron, raspberry flavoured. Beautiful, isn’t it? It tasted as good as it looks (even with reduced sugar), thank you to my little Ranoosh. It’s odd to be…

The Purge

It was a manic evening yesterday, starting around 9pm, and carrying into today. Thank God I had a 23.5 kg bag to unload, and organize last night. I woke up…

The Palestinian Hands

Since December 1st, 2018, I have slept in 20 beds, and taken 16 flights, and 13 trains. I am exhausted, and I am so happy to be home tonight. These…

The Last 24 Hours

That’s me in the corner. Neither in the spotlight, nor losing my religion. The only person with whom I am trying to keep up? Myself. Yesterday was hijacked by my…

The rose-water syrup Pre-Order Link Is Live (!!!!)

“These poems have an impressive simplicity of style devoid of archaic and artificial diction. The chief interest of these poems is the employment of imagery with extraordinary effectiveness.“ Today, this…

The Perch In Belem

I spent about 30 minutes perched on this thing, and not because my feet couldn’t touch the ground and I couldn’t pop off with any kind of grace. Rather, because…

The Birds

She was on her balcony with a full bag of rice, which she eventually emptied out entirely onto the ground. There were around 100 pigeons in her corner. If I…

The Harassment

It stopped raining in Albufeira, which means I must have been leaving. I took my last coffee to the beach and said goodbye before somehow making my way to the…

The Caves

That’s one of the two entrances to the renowned Benagil Cave. It’s a beach inside of a cave, over top of which is a hole that lets in the sunshine….

The Picnic

It stormed in the morning so I opened the balcony door and snuggled back to bed, to better hear the rain and thunder. Slow rolling my day, the sun finally…

The ‘Plan’

I am loathe to quote him, so will not mention his name but rather only what he said, which is: ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell him about…

The Beach Town

I have only heard British and Irish accents since arriving in Albufeira. Which means that the coastline is covered in burnt gingers. It’s great. Because that means that there will…