
Tag Archives: Felice

Greetings from the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010

Blogging on the fly; pardon all shit error and spelling. Jumped off my flight and landed at Elixir for dinner, with these two gorgeous broads. Not surprisingly, we were asked…

Hias from Malibu

My camera battery died, shortly before we began our drive along California’s Highway 1, and so this is the only video from our California Roadtripping. In fact, the entire photo…

Roadtripping through California

Hi all – Quickie to let you know I will be absent and completely off-line until Thursday November 12. Emails and berry pings will go unread until then. Have a…

Hello from VanCity

(Note: Austin wrap-up still to come.) This trip to Vancouver becomes increasingly interesting with each second. At the same time which Baby Jane moved out to Halifax, Felice moved in…