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Tag Archives: Hannah and Charlie

Hannah’s heart

I’ve always believed that the reason Paradise is at the feet of mothers is because when they are gone, they take with them 99% of the love felt by their…

“Death’s in the good-bye”

Headed for the Great Adventure is one of the warmest, gentlest and kindest women to ever let me into her home. She is responsible for bringing together myself and her…

From Paris, with (much) Love

Dear Readers, I frequent too many a café while traveling. Once more, I write to you from a coffee shop, only this time I am in Paris on a street…

Dear London Town

Note: The below was written on March 20th, while I was in London. My writing will slow for the next while as I will be up in the air (sadly,…

First bit cherried

Right. So this is where I get to be stupid and foolish, all the while writing out some bits about politics… Will be back later to write something interesting and…