
Tag Archives: Moksha

Day 39: The Wheel? I own it.

In addition to my obvious and possibly extreme competitive nature, please add to that a need to be the teacher’s pet. (Baby Jane, why do I automatically assume that you…

Day 37: What yoga teaches a non-cobbler…

Apart from the obvious “don’t step on someone else’s frikin’ mat”, “don’t talk in the frikin’ quiet room”, “keep the frikin’ door of the HOT room closed, so the heat…

Day 30: And the coloured girls ask Why The Face?(1)

I have received an unusual amount of messages from you, Readers, enquiring about the aforementioned “Maha’s Six Week Hot Yoga Challenge“. You are seeking both the how, and more sincerely…

Hot Yoga is Making Me Delirious

Dear Warrior Pose, F*#? YOU, you are a raging psychopath. Flipping you the bird and hoping you topple, M Dear Pigeon Pose, You are the worst named pose in the…

A Character Clown Named ‘Namaste’

Note: Thanks to you all for the emails. Sorry I have not written back – I haven’t had much energy. I have been in a funk of late and have…