I have always found the penalty kick to be the most disturbing aspect of a futbol match. When placed within the context of the World Cup it’s morally reprehensible. There’s always been an internal debate re the validity of the penalty kick end between two worthwhile and strong opponents. I’ve long argued that there’s no place for the penalty kick fiasco in World Cup futbol as it’s based purely on luck.
Whereas the entire match (90 minutes, then the extra 30 minutes) is based primarily on strategy, team work and endurance, the penalty kick comes in and screws the essence of the game. The teams need to keep playing until someone scores a goal (even if this takes 27 hours).
Today saw the cheapening of the World Cup once more; a pathetic end in penalty kicks provided Germany with a win over Argentina.
I guess this just means that Germany won’t get lynched by their fellow citizens for losing in the Quarter-Finals. And the line that I’m sure everyone will use in the newspapers, because we’re devoid of imagination: We can now cry for Argentina. (Sorry ya Seedo & Uzi!)
Approximately nine of us congregated randomly in one of the boardrooms and watched the match on a big screen television set. I’d never met any of them before 11 a.m. but we’re about to watch the Italy v. Ukraine game in a moment…Hurrah for big screen television and empty boardrooms!!
I have to redirect my hopes at this point: I’m placing my full weight behind Zidane. I hope France kicks everyone’s ass.
I want the others to lose because:
– Italy doesn’t deserve to advance after the dive taken against Australia. That was cheating. They cheated and cheaters shouldn’t win. Just like Argentina in 1986; Maradona cheated and they shouldn’t have won. “Hand of God”, my ass.
– As before, I’ve expressed my distaste for Brazil’s arrogance. They need to re-centre before I’ll support them again.
– Both the Portuguese and the Netherland team should be disqualified after their match on the 25th, which I taped and just watched. What a disgrace to the sport: sixteen yellow cards, four red cards, two near brawls, slapping and FIGO HEAD BUTTING a Netherlands team member. I’m surprised these thugs were allowed to continue playing at all. If this match had been referred by Pierluigi Collina, he would have given red cards to every member of both teams AND THEIR COACHES.
– England. Nope.
Aside: Anyone watch today’s match? Did y’all see Beckenbauer? He’s always so well put together and controlled and – even when in a rage – magnetic. Today was the first time I saw him slightly dishevelled > his tie was askew to the left. Odd that no one pointed this out to him. (I’m not at all being sarcastic here; Beckenbauer’s notorious for his sense of elite style.)
Uzi said…
my sorrow holds no bounds. It was a tragedy. We deserved to win that game all the way through.
Sat Jul 01, 07:45:00 AM
Anonymous said…
I totally agree. There should at LEAST be more extra time before penalty kicks!
Sat Jul 01, 02:54:00 PM
Uzi said…
Vivre La France!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sat Jul 01, 05:25:00 PM
just a girl said…
heh, Uzi — it’s looking good so far, isn’t it?!
I just fear that (not expected at all) Italy may come out from behind and take it. Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen!!
Hi Sarah and welcome to my blog
I agree there should at least be more overtime. I actually have a theory as to what I think should happen in place of the damned penalty kicks >> I’ll post about that momentarily!
Sun Jul 02, 08:50:00 PM