That’s not their real name, but it’s what I’ve been calling them. They’re the super duper clean toilettes that are much too eager to flush all on their own. They’re independent and don’t need you to tell them when to flush; instead, there’s a sensor on them that reacts to your movements and flushes STAT.
If you’re using the MFT and you shift forward, to the right, to the left or to the back, the over eager MFT flushes away and wets your entire bottom zone as the flushing action makes half the water sploosh upward aiming directly at your bare a**. Sadly, it is not called the Magically Flushing Toilette & Bidet, though this would remedy the situation.
Listen. I am averse to the bidet, but rather to the shock and awe inflicted on me every time I use the stupid MFT. I don’t know how many times I’ve been caught off guard by the sploosh, driven forward nearly knocking myself unconscious against the stall door.
I am being forced to use the MFTs here at work. I don’t sit on public toilettes…so imagine the magnitude of effort I must place into my peeing activity as I teeter precariously above the MFT without making a single movement or risk splooshing. When am in top form, I manage to stop breathing for the duration of the activity and foil the MFTs obvious eagerness to wet my a.s.
I picture perhaps twenty wee impish women in large skirts and bonnets sitting at the sensor area staring out at the user. As soon as there is movement, hysteria and anxiety ensue as the imps rush to flush and keep things clean. “She’s moved! GO! GO! GO! FLUSH! GO! GO! GO! Trail-Toe, you are being too slow and must learn to keep up with the rest of us. Have a muffin.”
That’s not even the awkward part. The awkward part is that when I stand up, I’m not done damn it! Whereas I may be done body function, I am not done cleaning. (Do think I’ve hit an all-time low re blogging topics.) But the flush has already happened! And I refuse to be the woman who leaves the stall while there remains bits of toilette paper floating about in the bowl as a testament to her excellent bladder movements.
I thought I had it all down. I would clean, become properly clothed and then I would sit on the toilette really quickly and get up so the freakish imps could flush once more and eat the toilette paper. Excellent, right? Not quite.
I behaved in this nerdish manner because I believed there was only a sensor available that reacted to your full bodied movements. Until today when I witnessed a woman step into one of the stalls and flush it by pushing a button. I was appalled. I stood frozen staring at her and asked: “How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“What do you mean?”
“Uhm. Are you okay?”
“I pushed the button!”
“WHAT “button“?” (I actually made bunny ears with my fingers.)
“This “button”.” (She made them back, the cow.)
“Oh my God. There’s a button. I don’t have to sit anymore.” (I almost started crying.)
So this entry just in case you too have been behaving as I…which is: as a nerd.
dragonfly said…
m – can you email me? I lost your email in my last computer crash.
Thu Sep 06, 08:42:00 PM
Colleen said…
Oh, Maha I am laughing so hard!! Thank you for this entry and for your willingness to be so honest!! I too hate these toilettes, but have never heard anyone describe them or the the experience of using them quite like this!!!!
Thu Sep 06, 09:18:00 PM
Maria Calvo said…
Oh fuck I just snorted coke up my nose and drooled some out of my mouth.
You’re a RETARD and this is fucking hilarious. “Nerd” I love it!!
Fri Sep 07, 01:13:00 PM
Chantal said…
When they installed these toilets at work a few years ago, I had the same experience….it took months before I figured out the little flush button, and that was only because someone told me about it. The thing with using these toilets is that when you go to use public washrooms outside of work, you expect the toilet to flush on its own, and when you realize it doesn’t you’re halfway out the stall door & have to quickly go back in & flush it lest the next person waiting thinks you’ve been raised by wolves!
I don’t know what the trick is to stay dry, though, while all the heavy-duty flushing is going on. And our toilets not only flush once, but SEVERAL times, even after leaving the stall, causing a colossal waste of water and more splishy-splashy action than required.
Great post topic, Maha!!
Sun Sep 09, 10:53:00 AM
Hawk said…
Tanzanite Canuck: My cheeks hurt from smiling excessively while reading this post. Thanks for bringing a little bit of ‘funshine’ this ‘boy’s’ way!
Ato de…
Mon Sep 10, 09:38:00 PM