.1. My mouth attracts disaster.
A few evenings ago, I roasted chestnuts. I was so tired and in my own head that I didn’t make the cuts in the chestnuts big enough, and three of them exploded in my little oven. I wish this were a euphemism.
Worse still is that I didn’t think clearly when I went to eat the first one, and so I bit into it and it exploded. In my mouth. It wasn’t exactly the chestnut itself that exploded, but rather the hot air that filled the chestnut.
I was very lucky because half of the chestnut was hanging out of my mouth and so the hot air explosion hit the side of my lip and burned a straight line across my cheek.
It’s still healing and I can’t laugh as easily at the moment.
.2. I received anonymous flowers this morning. I have no idea who they could be from and I’m not much in a playful mood at the moment, so if it’s one of you, then let me know. Otherwise, they’re going in the garbage.
.3. I’ve never really thought of myself as a ‘car girl’, they’ve never impressed me and I’ve never understood the concept of paying a lot of money for something that transports you from A to B when most anything can do the transporting. And then I thought again…
…and admitted defeat, recognising that I’ve always had a very soft spot for the Jaguar E-Type (a.k.a. XK-E) and if I had the money to purchase any car in the world, I would have to narrow it down to the Jag, and the Bugatti Veyron 16.4. Were money a non-option, I’d need my cars to be sleek and fast.
But this is entry is about neither – because I just took a sweet little drive in the Lexus SC Sport Coupe and OH MY GOD can that thing move.
.4. When I woke up this morning, I found that Homer had slipped a note beneath my room door (I’m staying with mama while the boys are in town). His note reads:
Hey Maha,
It’s Homer…When you wake up, look in the mirror and you will will see how good you truly are. Have a great day at work and we will see you when you get home. Take care and know that I love you oh so much.
Love always,
Omar A
P.S. You are very aesthetically (if that is the right spelling) + personality wise gorgeous. Have a great day!!!
My cousins are gems. (No, they didn’t send the flowers.)
.5. A very honourable mention is an email I received from Sarah that made me laugh every time I thought about it these past 24 hours:
Subject: i love coffee!!!!!!!!
I’ve recently discovered that coffee is the secret to
happiness. I don’t know how I didn’t discover this earlier. Everything is
happy and jittery and I can’t focus on anything long enough to have to think
about life! Work is ruining me already :p
How are you??
…..bla bla bla…….
My aim is to hook her up with one of my cousins this coming Friday. They’re nerds and coffee drinkers and so would get along just perfectly.
Maria Calvo said…
Ok, your cousin homer is a super star for writing that note!
The email from Sarah is hysterical – she sounds awesome and she’d probably be so much fun to be around when she’s high on caffeine.
You got anonymous flowers? You’re so lucky! Why would you EVER throw them out??????????? Send them to me!!!!!! I’ve never received anonymous anything
Those cars are sweet!!!!! I don’t know what a Bugati is. Which one is it?
Wed Oct 31, 12:11:00 PM
Colleen said…
This post has brought a huge smile to my face.
Sarah and Homer are fun!
Piece of advice: Don’t throw out the flowers
Wed Oct 31, 12:17:00 PM
Anjum (barsaat) said…
did omar really sign his note Omar A? in case you needed clarification on which omar might have left that note under your door?
and hey, how come i don’t get a cousin?? =P (kidding, really.)
Wed Oct 31, 03:21:00 PM
Anonymous said…
Please tell
-Yourself, that you’re loved. A lot. By total strangers who read your blog daily for what’s good for their hearts.
-Omar, that he’s a prince, and if wishes were horses, I’d have stables and stables-full of them in the hopes there were more guys like him in the world.
– Sarah, that her coffee e-mail is the first (and only) thing that’s made me smile today. xo
Thu Nov 01, 01:00:00 AM
Sarah said…
“My mouth attracts disaster.” Interesting, Maha! :p
Glad my caffeine-induced craziness makes people smile
I was feeling like crap this morning and so ran to the coffee machine as soon as I got to work. It makes everything okay.
Thu Nov 01, 09:01:00 AM
Maria Calvo said…
ANJUM ANJUM I WANT A COUSIN TOO!!!!!!!! That’s three of us for the three of hers
Do you call Shotgun??
Thu Nov 01, 12:41:00 PM
Anjum (barsaat) said…
i do indeed!!
Thu Nov 01, 03:36:00 PM
Colleen said…
Espy, I hope your day gets better. It sounds a little sad
I second her sentiment, Maha, remind yourself daily that you are loved by complete strangers who hope to one day meet you. I am one of them
Thu Nov 01, 05:47:00 PM
Anonymous said…
Just the fact that you know that the E-Type is really the XK-E is one thing. That you know it’s a Bugatti VEYRON 16.4 places you in a whole other category of women. Damn. Fuck you’re sexy. Can I send you flowers?
Thu Nov 01, 07:40:00 PM
Colleen said…
So – did you throw out the flowers??
Fri Nov 02, 09:06:00 AM
just a girl said…
(A) The flowers were thrown out the following morning.
(B) Anjum, he actually signed it Omar A(withHisWholeLastName)!!
(C) Maria & Anjum get the other two cousins; Anjum holds the shotgun call.
(D) Espy, I’m sorry that you had a bad day
but happy that Sarah’s email made you smile! I hope your days are going better…xoxo & thank you for your warm words. Now remember that they pertain to you as well.
(E) Anonymous, you can send me flowers if you add your name and I know who you are.
(F) Thanks, everyone else. xoxo
Tue Nov 06, 10:24:00 PM