Love you.
Miss you.
Thinking of you, always.
& ready to open a can of Texan-style whup-ass on your behalf, if requested. Or just bake you a cake. Or braid your hair? Exchange most excellent photo angle tips & tricks? Buy you some Crack? Play tennis? Whatever. It’s yours.
Greatly appreciated if everyone who lived here sent their best energy toward Toronto for my beautiful Baby Jane.
Anonymous said…
I am sending Jane all of my best energy. I hope that whatever it is it is better soon, Jane
Anyone Maha loves, we love too. -lily
Tue Apr 15, 01:10:00 PM
Anonymous said…
I will do the same for your friend, Maha.
Tue Apr 15, 03:31:00 PM
Maria Calvo said…
I hope that Baby Jane is okay, too, Maha. She’s a beautiful girl and a smile suits her face
Wed Apr 16, 08:40:00 AM
Anonymous said…
Consider it done; energy sent.
Wed Apr 16, 11:43:00 AM
Lisa said…

*Huggles* Janey
You may wonder why a stranger is hugging you, but when I say I’m a friend of Maha’, the huggles will sem like normal behaviour.
…and Toronto is shedding it’s winter dirtiness for it’s festive spring wardrobe, so hopefully the sight of that might cheer you a bit.
Wed Apr 16, 12:29:00 PM
just a girl said…
Thanks, all – Janey really really appreciates your warm wishes. You’re all really super sweet
Tue Apr 29, 07:29:00 PM