Please Note: I am typing directly into blogger. The following is likely filled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Please forgive…I am exhausted. xo
.1. Breakfast was a cob salad without the bacon. I drowned myself in Le Pain Quotidienne’s lattes because they were so good.
.2. I purchased a book here.
.3. Noticed that LG’s new advertisement campaign for Scarlett TVs has a grammatical error in it; their tag is “…bla…bla…Scarlett TV’s”. Morons.
.4. NYC men are pretty awesome. Two conversations of note:
(a) I was crossing the street when a relatively attractive dude nearly fell into me while roller blading.
“I almost fell in the right direction there…”
“hee hee.”
“ha ha.”
(silence and he rolls away, then turns around and rolls back toward me)
“Can I invite you to my art show?”
“Sure…but I’m only here until Sunday…”
“Where are you from?”
“Well then why don’t I give you all of my info – maybe this’ll be the romance that spans somethingOrOtherIDidn’tReallyHear…”
“tee hee.”
“I’ll definitely pop by and see your work.”
“The gallery it’s at is great, too.”
“Well then I’ll make certain to go…”
…and I plan on doing just that tomorrow, Inshallah. Find Patrick Collins’ art here, please.
Update to add: I went to the gallery and checked out his work. Cool stuff.
Aside: I will never ever see Patrick again and that was a quickity split conversation on the side of the street but still: how can you not love that Alpha in some men? The men who just go for it? The men who see something and just: GO. For. IT. Love it when a man does that.
Determination and strength are sexy. A man who knows what he wants is a fox.
(b) Some well dressed but much too old dude stopped me as I was about to cross the street and head into Karim Rachid’s shop (dude’s a fellow Carleton grad, so I am obligated to support him).
“You are Italiano.”
“You are not Italiano?”
“Yesssss. You must be Italiano – you are much too beautiful not to be Itali-.”
“I’m Palestinian.”
“Palestinian? What is? Hmmmm. Where is Pales-.”
“I’m a Middle Easterner.”
“Palestinian? You model?”
“You should model. Palestinian?”
“You are EGYPTIAN?”
“Me? I design special clothing for Scoop. You know Scoop?”
“Yes. I have to go. I’m late.”
“I want you to model for me.”
“I use my brain to make my money…but thank you, anyway. BYE!”
“We use our brain too in my industry. We are full of smart people! Ha ha! You are too beautiful to use your brain, anyway.”
“Smart? Like you? Like you who doesn’t know PALESTINE smart? I don’t know if I’d call that smart. Tee hee heeeee.”
And I bolted across the street but not before he’d handed me his business card. Weird and random.
.5. I saw War, Inc.
(You will laugh. You will be sick. You will be sad. Most importantly, you will be enraged.)
War, Inc is about life for sale. It is about the branding of Government, military, religion, relationships and the pornification of the ‘female’. Every single thing is up for sale. I’m not going to say any more about this film except that you need to get your asses in motion and get to a theater as soon as possible. Support this film in any and all ways you can. (Before the film started, I was standing outside and taking photos – three people approached me and asked me why. I fished; They came into the film with me.) I’ll be writing a piece on it and so I won’t give you anything more. You’ll have to wait until the article is complete and published at Rabble to read it.
P.S. Joan Cusack is a fk’n RockStar of gigantic proportion. I want to take that woman out for a drink and tell her all of my tales.
P.S. Marisa Tomei is a beauty as she has a face untouched by botox.
.6. I gave this man all of the cash I had.
.7. I ate a pretzel.
.8. We hung out at Bryant Park with the assumption that there was going to be Opera In The Park. I was completely stoked to sing along…until we found out that we were in the wrong park.
Instead, we took stupid pictures.
.9. We splashed past Rockefeller Plaza.
.10. Ate dinner at La Lanterna in George Washington Square.
.10+1. And finally ran home through the pouring rain. We were soaked and satiated.
Maria Calvo said…
The pics are gorgeous! You’re all beautiful!! Maha – your boxing is showing!! Damn it!!
Is that a large chunk of avocado on your salad, yummmmmm!!
Re War, Inc. Your reaction sounds pretty visceral. It’s amazing how things creep back after surprise you like that.
We’re driving over to see it tomorrow!!!! CAN’T BELIEVE YOU FISHED AND GOT FOLK TO SEE IT!! Actually, I can
About the men – I think that it’s not NYC boys but actually you, Maha
I’m happy to hear you’re having so much fun!!!!!!!!
Sat Jun 21, 09:35:00 AM
Anonymous said…
As usual, I’m focussing on the most trivial part of the entry, but that’s me–big silly.
If that guy had actually been Italian, he would have referred to you as “Italiana,” not “Italiano,” with an “O.” That’s the masculine.
(I am really hoping he was not actually Italian, because while I accept that New York Italians can pretty much be summed up by the film “Saturday Night Fever,”–I know, I have lived in Brooklyn–I am half-Italian, and grew up there, and not all Italian men are big stinking pervs. *Hugs* to you, Maha, for your fearlessness.)
Sun Jun 22, 05:19:00 PM
yasmine said…
1. bryant park! they have free wifi there, as anjum and i and my macbook discovered last july! wheee!
2. the footoos of you are GORGEOUS.
3. loved your nyc guy encounters! hilarious! patrick’s art is interesting. and i googled karim rachid, and he seems pretty cool, too. this bit from his website, about how to contact him for press inquiries made me laugh:
Our agent provocateur will get back to you to make any arrangements.
“agent provocateur”! bwahahaha. sounds like a SPY!
4. did i read an earlier version of this post? or maybe i’ve got the wrong one. but i remember you recently recalled beirut somewhere (and how War, Inc. is the first war movie you’ve seen since then), and i’ve been meaning to say how much those posts of yours moved me that summer. thank you.
5. War, Inc. is playing at my local theater in exactly one hour, and i shall be going to see it! thanks again for the kick, maha. will let you know what i think.
Mon Jun 23, 04:34:00 PM
Anonymous said…
You look like you’re having a great time, Maha!
The pictures are gorgeous
Mon Jun 23, 04:35:00 PM
Anonymous said…
Yasmine, there was an earlier version of this post. I read it, too, about Maha’s time in Beirut and about the fucked upedness of war. I remember her posts from Beirut, and every once in a while I read them over.
Maha, why did you delete the text about Beirut?
Mon Jun 23, 04:38:00 PM
michelle said…
You should do your civic duty and report LG to the Banterist Grammar Cop!
running through pouring rain is possibly one of the very last innocent pleasures we still get to enjoy as adults.
I love getting caught in those.
Mon Jun 23, 09:31:00 PM
yasmine said…
i just thought of this right now, and felt the need to comment about this before i forget:
i miss Tommy of the Gays who used to (still does?) live here. where did Tommy go?!
Tommy needs to come back. i miss his wit and sarcasm.
Tue Jun 24, 04:30:00 AM
Anonymous said…
I LOVE you!
Baby J.
Wed Jun 25, 02:14:00 PM
Anjum (barsaat) said…
lol, you know how i feel about having missed you in NYC. so all i have to say is that NYC men are surely awesome, to tall beautiful women with big wide genuine smiles.
Wed Jun 25, 11:58:00 PM
لؤلؤة said…
love this post …
thanx for sharing …
Sun Jun 29, 11:15:00 AM
Anonymous said…
Hi — interesting blog. I noticed that you criticized Scarlett TV (whatever that is) for apparently not knowing when to use an apostrophe. Good for you! People’s near illiteracy these days is disturbing. But then I notice in multiple earlier entries of yours, you consistently use “it’s” when you should use “its”. It doesn’t seem English is your first language, so I’m not trying to be hard on you, but those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…
Sun Jun 29, 06:31:00 PM
lily said…
” It doesn’t seem English is your first language, so I’m not trying to be hard on you, but those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…”
LOL!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
You’re a fucking MORON – you’re comparing a blog with some simple mistakes to a fucking advertisement campaign from one of the giants?
How SO VERY kind of you to ask Maha whether her first language is ENGLISH you fucking loser. Seriously, people like you who troll looking for shit are a waste of internet space.
But something tells me your beef isn’t with her English and maybe instead who she is……and what she represents…….especially since you’re out looking for faults
No doubt you’re PERFECT. With a capital ‘P’.
Get a fucking life – and I hope Maha CONSISTENTLY makes little mistakes for losers like you to pick on
Moron. I fucking hate trolls. -lily
Sun Jun 29, 09:33:00 PM
lily said…
One last thing Maha – when you start getting trolls is when you know you’ve made it
(I especially love the passive aggressive in this person’s post. I’m sure they get off on hiding behind their screens and being kind enough to us whoSE mUther tUnG isnT EngRish.)
IM lauFing my ass off right now!! -lily
Sun Jun 29, 09:39:00 PM
just a girl said…
Okh, for the love of God, Lily – your reaction is a little over the top, no??
Thanks for being so quick to jump to my defense, but this person is half right >> I am always misusing it’s when I should be using its!!
To anonymous – thanks for your post. I’ve gone through my earlier comments (the ones on the front page only) and have changed the it’s accordingly. There is always room for improvement, since we are, after all, only human, yes?
Happy you’ve discovered this place and I do hope you’re not a mere troll or anyone who has a personal beef with me (because there’s other ways to deal with that, I would think) and have chosen to comment random and very awkward comments here.
Your sentiment that English may not be my first language is true, as it isn’t. But it’s safe to say that that comment of yours was derogatory. Unless, of course, you have a blog of nearly 700 entries and there’s not one mistake anywhere…at which point I’ll take back this response to your comment :)…
Maha (She of a non English mother tongue.)
Sun Jun 29, 10:14:00 PM
Thomas said…
Hey Maha, It looks like you already took care of Anonymous and the issue of its vs it’s, but I would like to add a personal response to this person’s notion that your first language isn’t English because of the use of this one word.
Forgive me if I take offence to this comment, but I do because MOST “first language” English speakers don’t know the difference betwee their, they’re, there, as well as your and you’re and most notably its and it’s. I think it’s an ignorant assumption and like Maha says a derogatory one to say that an individuals who may have used English as their first language would be impeccable in their delivery of it in written form.
Not only is it ignorant and derogatory it’s hardly “glass house” worthy when Maha is compared to a world-wide campaign for flat screen televisions.
Maha, you’re a lot more gracious in your response than was my initial reaction.
Mon Jun 30, 01:12:00 AM
Maria Calvo said…
This is weird and random. My first language is English and I don’t know the difference most of the time. Why would anyone make such a weird comment?
I think it’s cool that you’re being compared to the LG media machine, Maha. Way cool!!
Mon Jun 30, 10:12:00 AM
just a girl said…
Maria – that was indeed avocade and as yummy as you might imagine it to be
Did you catch War, Inc??
Espy – I hate to say this as I know that this guy doesn’t represent Italian men…but…I am almost 100% sure he was Italian (& quite likely: I’m the one whose misquoted!!). He had a super heavy accent that I would recognize anywhere having grown up in the homes of my Italian friends and deciphering their parent’s accents
It’s awesome that you’re defending all non offensive Italian men the world over. We love them, yes?!
Yaso – Bryant park! I think I blogged it as Gramercy Park…I need to check and correct.
Thank you re Beirut. Yes, there was an earlier version that I have since deleted…it was just out of place. I have to give that moment in my life more attention and provide a proper book-end to that summer. I will eventually, one day, some day get around to writing that entry.
Did you catch War, Inc??
Karim Rachid is pretty cool and the only store of his in NYC is (literally) down the street from Sharshoor’s place – I couldn’t resist.
Thank you, Anonymous 1.
Anonymous 2, please read my response above to Yasmina to know why I deleted that portion of the entry
Yasmina at 2: Tommy is still around – he sends me emails every once in a while. Love him. I’m sure he’ll comment soon enough. He’s crazy…
Anjum – THANK YOU! (*whispers* I’m tiny…not tall at all…only 5’6″) but THANK YOU! I missed you, too
Thanks ya Lu’Lu’ah :)!!
Thanks to the others for their comments…
M, in Calgary, having just watched No Country For Old Men. It’s 2 am. I’m exhausted. I can’t spell. xo
Wed Jul 02, 03:55:00 AM
Anonymous said…
It may be too late to comment on annonymous’ comments but i just read this recently.. Generally, one would allow newcomers the benefit of the doubt but it seems intriguing that this is the one comment this person chose to make. i did a search on the page for “it’s” and I found only one that should have been “its” after many correct uses of “it’s”. I find it intriguing that annonymous read enough of the blog to catch that one error and felt strongly enough to comment about it.. it is more intriguing that he/she did not stop at pointing it out but had to throw in a comment about English being not Maha’s first language.. If indeed you thought English is not her first language, should you not have complemented her at the fine job she has done of mastering her second language? I too have to assume that the content of one blog bothered this annonymous and rather than discuss it, they chose to make this deragatory comment. Dr Phil may be able to explain this highly unusual raection to a grammar mistake
I had a colleague who, like annonymous, felt compelled to point out any and all linguistic errors people for whom English was a second language. One day, i had the misfortune of reading the writing of his son. I felt compelled to ask him where his son learned English .. well English was his first language and I was told that his errors were just mistakes that come from writing in a hurry. However, the same errors when done by “others” were reflective of their lower linguistic capacities.
We may actually need Dr Phil after all
Fri Jul 04, 12:27:00 AM