For those of you who have lived here on a regular basis, you know that 2007 was a definitive year for me. In fact, I can now say that 2007 may have been the most definitive of my wee little life thus far.
Every single day brings us face to face with a dozen mini choices; on some days, the choices made define the essence of our character. For nearly six months in 2007, I was facing choices that lent a hand to shaping who I was and what I stood for. Not one of those choices was simple or easy. Most definitely, not one choice made was made with a light heart. But, each one of the choices I made in 2007, I would make again in a heartbeat. Every euphoria and every trauma and every deception and every single point of me, I would relive and relive with an open and trusting heart.
Although many of the people who I met in 2007 are no longer a part of my life (nor will they ever be a part of my life), I will always cherish the time in which they were a presence in my days. Thankful and grateful, too. People don’t necessarily come into our lives to stay, but rather to help us and themselves reach another stage in our lives. They must leave because the lessons learned are ones that can only be learned once their presence is no longer felt.
That reality is only a sad and difficult thing to accept if you are not willing to see the good in every single situation.
If you choose to focus on merely the ugly and the painful, then you will not understand that at the essence of everything is goodness because you will be much too busy trying to make sense of a painting while standing with your nose pressed against it. Likely, you are more comfortable wallowing in how you have been wronged and how you are owed, rather than learning and breathing and living through the most difficult experience in order to improve who you are.
Likely, you live and then you regret.
But that’s not the way I have ever functioned and it is most definitely not the way I will ever function.
For this, I must thank and cherish Islam, because the foundation I stand upon is one of Faith and Belief, and that foundation demands that I be thankful for every single thing that comes in to and potentially leaves my life. As a Muslimah, I must believe that I am blessed – in fact, that we are all blessed by virtue of being alive – and not merely pay it lip service. That alone is enough. That alone is enough to teach me that 2007 is a blessing.
More importantly than that particular concept in Islam, though, is the other, and that is: we should fear nothing in this world but Allah.
I have one too many times seen regret lead to fear, trepidation and bitterness. I’ve actually watched as someone wallowed in their past and actively denied their present. Fear of committing the same mistakes over which they currently wallow. Fear of being hurt.
But here’s a little secret for you: you will always be at risk of getting hurt, so buck up and deal with it, already. Denying it won’t stop it, but it will stop you from evolving. Worse still is that it is a terrible way to waste a short and wondrous life, this living in fear.
Remember that in order to regret, you must emotionally pull yourself out of today; you press the pause button on right now and you instead turn your mind’s eye to yesterdays. (It’s like ‘nostalgia’, which is more often than not, merely another way of communicating your displeasure with right now.)
And quite frankly, you shouldn’t have time to do this because you need to concentrate on today. How and who you will help today. How you will improve today. How you are going to work today to make a better tomorrow. There is enough pain in this world for you to focus on, none of it having to do with your sad state.
Ultimately, “regret” is a means to self indulge and self spoil and many personalities are comfortable in that state. It is an irresponsibility that you level against your own potential and future. And just as you wouldn’t harm your body physically, so too should you never stand in the way of your own potential and motion forward.
Here’s the kicker, kitties (let’s get ready to shed our egos): We must believe that everything in this life happens for a reason and that reason doesn’t necessarily have to do with our life. Sometimes (and this you must accept if you perceive yourself as a functioning part of and contributor to the overall unity of society), we have to understand that we will go through traumatic situations for the benefit not of our self, but of others.
Crazier still is that we may never know how our pain helped someone else. And yet, we must accept it with open arms. (Odd this concept of altruism, n’est pas?)
But that takes strength.
And the question becomes: Are you strong enough?
lily said…
As creepy as this is going to sound, I want to fucking be you!
You need your own television show. I swear to God.
I love this fucking post. I love it when you do this and you call ‘bullshit’. -lily
Wed Jul 16, 10:54:00 AM
Maria Calvo said…
Ha ha! I want to be her too, Lily!
Maha you haven’t posted something like this in a long time and I was starting to worry that you were going to stop writing about this sort of stuff.
This is one of those psots I’ll keep coming back to. I’m so happy that I read you…… happy![🙂](
I think anyone who meets you is lucky if this is where you end up in your head. I wish more people had this strehgth, I wish I did because I do regret some things in my life
but I’ll keep coming back to this to try and change that. Everything you wrote makes sens.e
Wed Jul 16, 11:12:00 AM
Thomas said…
Excellent post with a lot of thought provoking meat to it.
I agree with Maria. It is nice to see you post something like this again.
Wed Jul 16, 01:20:00 PM
Anonymous said…
Fucking hell. I’d like to think I’m strong enough but I don’t know.
I’ve bookmarked this entry. I like the idea that regret is irresponsible to ourselves.
Wed Jul 16, 11:38:00 PM![🙂](
لؤلؤة said…
10 out of 10 Maha ..:)
when we accept the world as it is , we’ll know how to deal with it ..and yet , we haven’t reach our optimal strength ..
Good post
Thu Jul 17, 11:54:00 PM
Anonymous said…
Among your best, Maha.
Wed Jul 23, 09:49:00 PM
Anonymous said…
re – things that happen for a reason that we have no control over….what about things that leave one permanently physically disabled and the therefore subject of riticule of others? How does one deal with that – how is the pain from that supposed to help others? – especially when it has perhaps been going on for most of that person’s life. Just asking. Not trying to be a smartass.
Sun Jul 27, 10:07:00 AM![🙂](
just a girl said…
Hey Anonymous. Thanks for your comment – I know fully well that you’re not being a smartass
I don’t know how to answer your question, because that’s where it gets difficult. More importantly, I am a fully healthy girl, alhamdullilah, so it feels like any answer I may attempt to give wouldn’t come from a place of honesty or even a place that would give me the right to answer…
Your question is one I was actually asking myself a few days back > I was in the theatre and I watched as a group of very young children came in together, all of them having something physically different. My immediate reaction was ‘why’? And…the only thing that comes to my mind, for someone with my belief system is that sometimes there are no answers. And we have to accept that.
And that may very well be one of the most difficult things a human has to deal with. We like answers; we are curious by nature and by right – as that is a part of free will.
But the bottom line is, we don’t have all of the answers. In fact, we don’t have maybe more thann 5% of the answers. That’s just a part of this life. We will never have the answers. And we can choose to either be angry with that, or accept it and work within it. It’s another choice.
I know the above doesn’t give you anything…except perhaps more to think about…
As for people ridiculing others – they’re fucking assholes. That’s it…there’s no more and there’s no less to that part of your question.
Thanks again for looking at the most difficult of questions and I do hope you come back![🙂](
All my respect,
Sun Jul 27, 01:39:00 PM