Bad enough your generation will not have the hard-earned bump on their middle finger…

Dear Kids These Days –

It appears that mAny Of yOu RandOmlY capitaLize LeTteRs when you write shit.

At first I thought it was perhaps a secret code, and so I pulled out the capitalized letters and tried to make out your secret language. Deflated, I discovered there was no secret anything.

Additionally. You seem to do shit like *~$this .*oO+ WhiLEsimUltANEously.nEither*!!*.sssspaCing;Nor.speLLing.ProPeRleeee+*~*.

I was wondering: are you alright? …because although we are all dumb in the head occasionally, it’s not the greatest idea to be dumb in the head perpetually.

You’re welcome,