It’s 2011. I can’t fkn believe that we are still taking about this sh.t, that it is still surprising to some, that studies have to be done to confirm it, that it hasn’t earned more attention, that it isn’t being fought harder by both men and women. Please read, share, and share, and share, and share.
My parents introduced me to books, television shows and movies that always had strong female characters and encouraged me to participate in sport, further boosting my self esteem, even though most of the time I was shockign at it. My high school, being an all girls school could be bit*** as anything, but did it’s best to create strong, confident and independent women. It saddens me to know that this isn’t always the case for the next generation. But should I ever have wee little ones, I shall do my best to correctly educate them, because honestly midriff tops are so 90s.
You’re right — it is entirely and completely up to the parents. There is much that happens on the school yard, but I think that the leading and strongest character of example are the parents. I wasn’t allowed to watch but 30 minutes of telly a day. Outside of that, I was allowed to read, to play, to DO STUFF rather than sit around on my arse and ingest false representations of female all evening long. I can do that now, as an adult, and be aware of the differences between real and not.
Honestly, it breaks me heart to see young women these days. The spirit of real and true feminist ideology has ben perverted into pornification — and as I have said elsewhere, when we are so busy doing it to ourselves, men are sitting back and reaping the benefits of that work.
Really, many of us are our own worst enemies.