Wow. WOW. Iraq Vet, Sargeant Shamar Thomas, faces down Officers from the NYPD and tells them straight up: “There is no honour in hurting unarmed civilians.”
I hope that he softened some NYPD hearts, because this movement is also in their benefit. They are among the 99% and this movement is for them as much as it is for every other American citizen.
*My apologies for being a little absent of late; I have been spending most of my time on learning about the #OccupyEVERYTHING movement and so not much in the mood for writing anything else. I promise to write something new soon…forgive the slowness until then.
Thank you.
Love you.
I fully agree with him on the occupy xxx part. I just wish he saw all lives as equally worthwhile.
BB, you make the best point. Thank you for raising just this.
Love you. Miss you more.