Once upon a time, there was a group of friends. Amidst these individuals was a girl whom we shall call “Maha.”
On a sunny Saturday morning, Maha left for a ten day holiday, bidding the beloved kingdom in which she lived a sad goodbye, eager to travel and equally eager to return home when the time came. And my oh my, did the time come…
At which she found that she could not communicate with any of those who called themselves “friends.” All of them, being of a particular Tribe — let’s call them “Eh-Rabs” — would not take her calls. Except for one boy. He took her call, playing the role of Judge, Jury, and Executioner.
On trial Maha stood, unaware that a girl, Cleptomania, had spun a web of lies so deep and so impenetrable, that all others in the group had left Maha for good. Cleptomania had found filth and run it across Maha’s words. The girl had found hatred and run it across Maha’s words. She had found judgement, and criticism, and ugliness, and smeared these things across Maha’s words.
Cleptomania wore hijab, and so those in the group misunderstood this piece of cloth for piety, eagerly believing that Maha — who wears curls instead of scarves — must be as filthy as was told by Cleptomania.
Not only did this little man crush Maha with his words, but so too did he take it upon himself to crush Maha Momma, believing it was his Muslim duty to let Maha Momma know that she had not done a proper job of raising her daughter. And that by default, he would be receiving God’s blessings because of the filth which had dripped from Maha’s mouth and onto his life story.
How could this happen, you ask? Maha was so distraught on the phone, that Momma came in to understand the ruckus, and when Maha could not hold the receiver because she was shaking too hard, Maha Momma held it instead, and the creature on the other end decided to have a go at Maha Momma.
Maha begged him: I will pick this girl up right now. I will bring her to your home right now. I will sit her in front of you and your mother, and you will see who is lying. Please. Please. Please. Please let me defend myself against these claims.
Only. He would have none of it. And he would not allow it. And Maha, weeping and incapable of comprehending what in the fucking hell she was facing, collapsed.
The collapse didn’t leave me for nearly six months. I was paralyzed emotionally, and crippled physically by what had happened to both myself and my mum. I was terrified of going out in public in case I ran into one of these people. I became a recluse of sorts, not really seeing anyone or going anywhere, because if these people — who I had welcomed into my heart and my home — could so easily set me adrift, then what guarantee did I have that others would not do the same.
Not one of these people defended me. Not one of these people called me. Not one of them reached out to me. Not one of them gave me the chance to speak to the lies which had been spun around my ankles and used to pull my feet out from beneath me. Not. One.
And I wish I could tell you that all of the lies told by this sad and demented girl had a hint of truth to them, because then at least, I would have owned it and accepted the consequences. Only, there was not even a hint to anything she said. But still, the individuals in this group were eager to believe that I was the sort who would say such things, and that — I understand 12 years later — is a greater reflection on how they felt about me, than anything to do with my sense of self in any way shape or form.
By an amazing twist of fate a few months later, my mum and I were lost in a building. And who found us, but Cleptomania’s very close relative. Who brought us into his office and shared some stories over coffee. He told us the truth of Cleptomania. That she was a thief, that she was a liar, that she had been cast out of her family’s home. In short, he called her “a Bollywood film,” a “pathological liar.”
In another twist of fate, later that very same week, I ran into one of the original “friends” in the above circle, who told me that very soon after Cleptomania had spun her web about me, she also began spinning webs about all within the group. And within less than two months, everyone came to hate everyone. And this woman was sorry she did not stand up for me when she heard what was being said about me. So sorry and could we please be friends?
My answer was no. I accepted her apology, but rejected her friendship with honesty: “You let me hang out to dry. You know I would have had your back, and I would have never walked away from you, but you let me hang out to dry. So no. You don’t ever get the pleasure or loyalty of my friendship ever again. That was a decision you made long ago.”
When these people see me now, I usually turn my face as I am not interested in reliving the trauma their actions inflicted on myself or my mother.
Amazingly. The boy in question? Well…I ran into him recently on the street. I had not seen him in years, and he has never apologized neither to myself nor to my mum, though I know that he has admitted to others that he was wrong. Or so others say, which means nothing so long as he doesn’t say it to me.
We ran into each other and he treated me like an old friend. Like a warm, old friend. And he invited me for a drink. If Shock and Awe had a face, it would have been mine. I declined graciously, and managed to escape as fast as I could because I had to call my best friend and say: “You are not going to fucking believe what just happened…and let me tell you…life has clearly not been kind to this dude…”
The moral of the story is? Don’t be a fucking asshole. Especially not to a girl with a blog. And if she has a blog, hope that she has enough class to not call you out by name, no matter how many years later. Especially where her blog ranks really high up on Google search.
You are epic.
And I love you for it.
One of the greatest and hardest learned lessons in my life is to not let others poison your life with their malicious acts and slanderous words. Those who would do you harm by spreading nasty rumors or try to turn others against you usually screw themselves in the end, because they don’t stop with you. In the end, they are seem for what they are- weak, insecure people who need to tear other people down to make themselves feel better. I too have learned who my dear and true friends are during these times. Virtual hugs.
Hi Maha,
Devoted reader, first time commenting.
Thank you for your always incredible articles.
This one struck a nerve with me because I lived an experience like this once. I think most women do.
Were these your primary group of friends?
What were the long-term reprecussions?
Thank you,
I can totally relate to your story and am truly sorry that your mum got pulled into it. In my own experience, it hurt like hell when it was happening, but was well worth it once I felt the overwhelming sense of relief that these snakes were no longer a part of my life. The universe has quite a way of clearing out all of the bad things, and peole, in one’s life. Thank goodness. Hugs!
M, people (friends) can be so terrible to us at times and I write this some 18 hours after my friend of 13 years TEXTED me to cancel on my birthday dinner some half an hour before we were meant to met for said dinner because she was “tired’ aka my boyfriend is much more interesting than you and I want to go out with him.
I don’t get people and I don’t think I ever will. I don’t understand why we are so mean to each other, why we don’t think the mean and dishonest things we do will hurt people. I am sorry those people were so terrible to you. Also reminds me of the time my high school “friends” went on our version of spring break without me thinking I would never find out including my at the time BFF.
But you know what after all the pain and saddness I went though with all these people, especially in high school at the end of the day I found some pretty good friends along the way. One known as Sheila, the other Melinda who said stuff our moron friend and her boyfriend and took me out last night and even rushed home from work and made me a card. She. Freaking. Made. Me. A. Card.
So what I am trying to say and what you have no doubt come to know yourself is afterall the painful friendships and people who have come in and out of our lives and treated us like dirt, there are the odd couple of gems who stick around and would totes come to North Korea to save your butt. 😉
^^^ This. Have you seen the card? Because if you haven’t, you need to. Not “you should,” but “YOU. NEED. TO.”
I got “divorced” and “backstabbed” from “friends” twice in my life. I have survived. It’s just awkward when we run into each other once every blue moon. I usually try my best to be “the bigger person” when I what I really want to do is run down the halls screaming “don’t let her near anyone, she is a backstabbing spawn of the devil!!!” But I don’t have your problem of them wanting to be my friend again. I probably should consider myself lucky in that aspect.
Maha.. I believe it was Martin Luther king who said
“In the end, it is not the words fo our enemies that hurt us the most, it is the silence of our friends”..
It’s the Milgarm experiment all over again.
To my above comment, this sentence should read “But you know what after all the pain and saddness I went though with all these people, especially in high school, at the end of the day…”
with a comma after high school as what I meant to say high school was pretty rubbish but since then I’ve made better friends.
Oh Maha… I’m so sorry that you and your dear mother had to experience such wrath! It is terrible how people feel they have the right to say such mean (unwarranted) things, and hide behind the anonymity of the telephone, the internet, religion, and I’m sure so many other things… Such cowards who can not say such things to one’s face and then actually take responsibility for their words and perhaps learn the other side of the story… The same can be said for those who believe the venom without checking the facts… On the other hand, as I told someone who had a similar(ish) incident… anyone who knows and loves you will know that this is not the truth.
Circle of life – karma – I believe in it – taking the high road always s.ucks at the time but comes back to you if you wait long enough – sorry your wait was so long.
p.s. she fucked me over too. hardcore.
You know this story? You heard about *this* story and *this* person? Amazing. Ottawa is so fkn small!!
Inbox me your story and how you know the identities of the individuals in mine. I am uber curious. xxo
P.S. I am really sorry that you too lived this — I know the devastation that this girl runs. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone…except maybe her.