BREAKING! The ants in my pants are no more, and I miss them.
I am entirely bagged. I have a tension headache that I can’t fix, since Tuesday. It came with my keys.
I have barely eaten, and being the crazy person that I am, I didn’t check the weather before packing away my clothes, and so am left with a week’s worth of really lovely summer pieces entirely useless when it’s -8 outside.
I need a massage, a hot bath in salts and lavender, and a home-cooked meal. None of these things will happen until Saturday night.
Right now, I just wish to be moved in at home with some quiet, scented candles, and warmth. It honestly can’t happen soon enough.
P.S. If any of you have a home remedy for my headache, please send it my way. Thank you x
photos as soon as you’re moved in please !
Moving is stressful. But it will be better soon. Lavender oil under your nose and on the back of your neck for your headache.
It looks quite modern. Is it a new building ? Which area are you in ? I love the orange and pipes !
Maha, darling, is there maybe a move-in/after move-in checklist that you’re using? You seem so organized!
Becks — thank you. The lavender worked, as did a morning in bed and a hot bath.
Sophie — check your inbox.
Jennifer — there is, and it is in my head
oh good!
Write it down, girl, I NEED the benefit of all that!
This is what’s in my head:
Tuesday: Keys. PDI no 3. Cleaning materials. Put down all liners in kitchen cabinets.
Wednesday: Paint. Sweep floors. Bring last of loose items (so nothing is lost in the move — all that is being moved is entirely boxed).
Thursday: Rugs.
Friday: Bring all IKEA items and put them together at The Cloud Cave.
Saturday: The big move.
Saturday night: NOTHING.
Sunday: Hang all art. Make a list of all items outstanding.
Sunday night: friend coming over.
Monday: IKEA.
Tuesday: NOTHING.
Hope that helps
I especially like the nothing, ha! But yes, thanks!
Happy for you zee! Re headache, i think finding a cool silent place to relax in is your best bet for making it go away.
Maha, I’m so excited for you. Congratulations! Yes, you must find a quiet place to relax, breath deep, PLEASE eat and drink (no..not alcohol) lots of water. I hope you feel better real soon so you can start enjoying that beautiful new home of yours. All my love, Granny Mo
Oh so happy for you! You look so happy!!
Thanks, Weeeeeee!! Think you will love it; a few of my walls are orange, and they match your new shirt
I have turned off my heat and am letting things cool down around me. Will let you know how my head is tomorrow.
Beautiful Granny Mo — Thank you!!!! I realized today that I hadn’t drank water in a few days. So I am making up for it, and the headache has come and gone since. That and the cool, quiet should help XOXOXOXOXO
Stephanie, thank you. When I arrived at work, I was literally a live wire — like, I was absolutely charged with energy, couldn’t stop bouncing or running around. Impossible to sit down.
Lisa. YES. I promise. Thank you.
Congratulations, Maha! Photos as soon as possile!